Judge Grants Final Approval of Record Data Breach Settlement in Anthem Class Action
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On August 15, 2018, U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh signed an order granting final approval of the record $115 million class action settlement agreed to by Anthem Inc. in June 2017. As previously reported, Judge Koh signed an order granting preliminary approval of the settlement in August 2017.

The settlement arose out of a 2015 data breach that exposed the personal information of more than 78 million individuals, including names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers and health care ID numbers. The terms of the settlement include, among other things, the creation of a pool of funds to provide credit monitoring and reimbursement for out-of-pocket costs for customers.

“The Court finds that the Settlement is fair, adequate, and reasonable,” Judge Lucy Koh wrote in her opinion.

Under the $115 million settlement, $51 million will go to the victims. Of the $51 million, $17 million is earmarked for credit-monitoring services, $15 million will go to customers who suffered out-of-pocket costs from the data breach, and $13 million will go to customers who demonstrate that they already have credit-monitoring services. The judge awarded the plaintiffs’ attorneys $31.05 million in legal fees. Additionally, the consulting firm appointed to administer the settlement received $23 million.

The settlement also requires Anthem to make certain changes to its data security systems and cybersecurity practices, including adopting encryption protocols for sensitive data, for at least three years.

The case is In re Anthem, Inc. Data Breach Litig., N.D. Cal., No. 15-md-02617, final approval 8/15/18.


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