In one of the most important cases on global data transfers, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) will rule on the validity of the Standard Contractual Clauses (“SCCs”) in the Schrems II case (case C-311/18) on July 16, 2020. Invalidation of the SCCs would leave businesses scrambling to find an alternative data transfer mechanism. But there may be significant practical challenges for businesses even if the SCCs survive.
In a “Ten Years Hence” speaker series hosted by the University of Notre Dame, Lisa Sotto, Chair of Hunton Andrews Kurth’s global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice, highlights why privacy and cybersecurity will remain relevant issues now and for decades to come in a lecture on Privacy and Cybersecurity: The New Frontier.
In the final segment of an S4x20 video on Cybersecurity Law and Governance, Lisa Sotto, Chair of Hunton Andrews Kurth’s Privacy and Cybersecurity practice, explains what effective cybersecurity oversight looks like for a company board of directors. While boards may have paid lip service to cyber risk a decade ago, they moved the issue to the top of their radar screen in the wake of CEO terminations resulting from cyber attacks. Sotto addresses responsible oversight by boards and offers best practice recommendations for preparedness efforts. She warns that boards that ignore ...
In part 2 of an S4x20 video on Cybersecurity Law and Governance, Lisa Sotto, Chair of Hunton Andrews Kurth’s Privacy and Cybersecurity practice, addresses the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (“SEC’s”) expectations of public companies with respect to robust and timely disclosures of cyber incidents and risks. Despite being inactive in the early years of cybersecurity incidents, the SEC is now quite active in pursing appropriate cybersecurity disclosure, and the agency formed a cyber unit in 2018. In this video, Sotto highlights the uptick in enforcement ...
In Part 1 of an S4x20 video on Cybersecurity Law and Governance, Lisa Sotto, Chair of Hunton Andrews Kurth’s Privacy and Cybersecurity practice, speaks to cyber risk as one of the top risk issues for senior executives in the current digital landscape.
Listen as Phyllis H. Marcus, partner at Hunton Andrews Kurth and Co-Chair of the ABA Antitrust Law Section’s Privacy and Information Security Committee, speaks about the privacy concerns over using smart devices on the ABA’s Our Curious Amalgam podcast, Is Your Assistant Spying on You? Understanding the Privacy Law Issues Involving In-Home Assistants.
Join us on April 7, 2020, for an in-depth webinar on Managing Critical Infrastructure Workforce During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Our featured group of speakers will discuss the legal, medical and practical issues that critical infrastructure companies are facing during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The speakers include Hunton lawyers Kevin Jones, Paul Tiao, Andrea Gardner, Susan Wiltsie and Lorie Masters, with special guests Myles Spar, MD, MPH, and Ashley Koff, RD.
In the final part of our Never Stop Learning podcast series, Lisa Sotto, partner and chair of Hunton Andrews Kurth’s Privacy and Cybersecurity practice, and Eric Friedberg, Co-President of Stroz Friedberg, LLC, and Aon’s Cyber Solutions Group, discuss practical solutions in preparing for a cyber incident.
In part two of our podcast by Never Stop Learning, Lisa Sotto, partner and chair of Hunton Andrews Kurth’s Privacy and Cybersecurity practice, and Eric Friedberg, Co-President of Stroz Friedberg, LLC, and Aon’s Cyber Solutions Group, discuss the fragmented nature of data security law in the U.S. and abroad. Sotto notes that the “patchwork quilt of regulation” in the U.S. regarding data security makes it difficult for companies to know what rules to implement. She stresses that the severity of cyber attacks has increased significantly over the past decade.
In a recent podcast by Never Stop Learning, Lisa Sotto, partner and chair of Hunton Andrews Kurth’s Privacy and Cybersecurity practice, and Eric Friedberg, Co-President of Stroz Friedberg, LLC, and Aon’s Cyber Solutions Group, discuss “Cybersecurity: How Concerned Should We Be?” As threats from cyber attacks continue to grow in both scope and complexity, it is imperative for companies and individuals alike to have a better understanding of cyber threats and the risks involved. We have broken down the podcast into a three-part series to help highlight the key themes.
On June 4, 2019, Hunton hosted a webinar with partners Lisa Sotto, Aaron Simpson, Brittany Bacon and Fred Eames on the evolving U.S. privacy landscape. The past year has seen highly consequential legislative developments in U.S. privacy law affecting compliance obligations for businesses that have or use consumer data. Various states and the U.S. Congress are considering bills that could transform privacy in the United States. In this program, our speakers discuss the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) and other significant state and federal privacy legislation.
On March 7, 2018, Hunton & Williams LLP hosted a webinar with partners Lisa Sotto, Aaron Simpson and Scott Kimpel, and senior associate Brittany Bacon on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (“SEC’s”) recently released cybersecurity guidance. For the first time since its last major staff pronouncement on cybersecurity in 2011, the SEC has released new interpretive guidance for public companies that will change the way issuers approach cybersecurity risk.
On January 23, 2018, multinational consulting firm Capgemini interviewed Bojana Bellamy, President of the Centre for Information Policy Leadership at Hunton & Williams, for their “Jane Meets” video series with the Chief Information Security Officer (“CISO”). Bellamy spoke with the CISO of Capgemini about companies’ readiness to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). In response to a question about the key responsibilities of a CISO in GDPR compliance, Bellamy said, “…where I see great involvement for CISO also is in ensuring that the company is ready to deal with security breaches. So it’s not just about preventing the breach, which is obvious, but it’s also about readiness to deal with the breach and readiness to then manage the breach and notify individuals and regulators, because that is what [the] GDPR requires.”
In our final two segments of the series, industry leaders Lisa Sotto, partner and chair of Hunton & Williams’ Privacy and Cybersecurity practice; Steve Haas, M&A partner at Hunton & Williams; Allen Goolsby, special counsel at Hunton & Williams; and Eric Friedberg, co-president of Stroz Friedberg, along with moderator Lee Pacchia of Mimesis Law, continue their discussion on privacy and cybersecurity in M&A transactions and what companies can do to minimize risks before, during and after a deal closes. They discuss due diligence, deal documents and best practices in privacy and data security. The discussion wraps up with lessons learned in the rapidly changing area of data protection in M&A transactions, and predictions for what lies ahead.
In a video roundtable series, Hunton & Williams LLP partners Lisa J. Sotto and Steven M. Haas and special counsel Allen C. Goolsby, along with Stroz Friedberg’s co-president Eric M. Friedberg and Lee Pacchia of Mimesis Law, discuss the special consideration that should be given to privacy and cybersecurity risks in corporate transactions.
On July 27, 2017, Lisa Sotto, chair of Hunton & Williams LLP’s Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice, appeared live on Washington, DC’s Fox TV to discuss the ID theft issue involving former Dallas Cowboys player Lucky Whitehead, and to warn against the risk of identity theft. Sotto cautions that identity thieves who are determined and looking to do harm “will find [personal data].” According to Sotto, consumers “leave footprints everywhere online.” To mitigate risk of identity theft, Sotto advises against freely providing a Social Security number, shredding ...
In the third segment of this three-part series, Lisa Sotto, head of the Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice at Hunton & Williams, discusses with The Electronic Discovery Institute how to respond to a data breach. It’s necessary, says Sotto, to have appropriate processes in place before a breach occurs. The “most important first step is to ensure that, when an issue arises, it’s escalated appropriately.”
In the second segment of this three-part series, Lisa Sotto, head of the Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice at Hunton & Williams, discusses with The Electronic Discovery Institute the types of security threats facing global companies. “No industry is exempt; every company faces this threat. The bottom line is that cyber attackers are not discriminating,” Sotto warns. In this segment, Sotto describes the various threat actors and types of attacks to which companies are most vulnerable.
In the first segment of this three-part series, Lisa Sotto, head of the Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice at Hunton & Williams, discusses information security law issues with The Electronic Discovery Institute. “[Information security] is a significant risk issue” and should be “at the top of the radar screen” for C-suites and boards of directors, says Sotto. In this segment, Sotto addresses U.S. and global data breach notification laws.
As companies in the EU and the U.S. prepare for the application of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) in May 2018, Hunton & Williams’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity partner Aaron Simpson discusses with Forcepoint the key, significant changes from the EU Directive that companies must comply with before next year. Accountability, expanded data subject rights, breach notification, sanctions and data transfer mechanisms are a few requirements that Simpson explores in detail. He reminds companies that, in the coming year, it will be very important to ...
On March 9, 2017, AllClear ID hosted a webinar with Hunton & Williams partner and chair of the Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice Lisa J. Sotto on the new cybersecurity regulations from the New York State Department of Financial Services (“NYDFS”). The NYDFS regulations impose significant cybersecurity requirements on impacted businesses that will dictate how they plan for, respond to and recover from data security events.
Hunton & Williams LLP is proud to announce our Privacy & Information Security Law Blog has been nominated in The Expert Institute’s 2016 Best Legal Blog Contest for Best AmLaw Blog of 2016. From all of the editors, lawyers and contributors that make our blog a success, we appreciate your continued support and readership, and ask that you please take a moment to vote for our blog!
The Privacy & Information Security Law Blog was ranked as the #1 Privacy & Data Security blog in LexBlog’s 2015 AmLaw 200 Blog Benchmark Report, and named PR News’ Best Legal PR Blog in 2011. It was noted that the ...
Episode 3: Lessons Learned
In the third segment of our 3-part series with Lawline, Lisa J. Sotto, head of our Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, discusses the details of the post-mortem following a data breach and the role of boards of directors before, during and after a breach. “We always want to revisit our incident response plan…and make changes to incorporate the lessons learned from a cyber event,” Sotto says. “We seek to ensure senior leadership understands how to prevent these events from happening in the future.”
Episode 2: Response
In the second segment of our 3-part series with Lawline, Lisa J. Sotto, head of our Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, discusses data breach notification obligations and actions to take to manage the regulatory onslaught in the aftermath of a breach. Sotto notes that “these investigations are challenging because the threat actors are enormously sophisticated, and in some circumstances we can never figure out what happened.”
Episode 1: Identify & Mobilize
In the first segment of our 3-part series with Lawline, Lisa J. Sotto, head of our Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, explains how to identify a cyber incident, mobilize your incident response team, coordinate with law enforcement and conduct an investigation.
In Part 3 of Lisa J. Sotto’s discussion at Bloomberg Law’s Second Annual Big Law Business Summit, she speaks on supply and demand in the privacy and cybersecurity fields. Lisa, partner and head of Hunton & Williams LLP’s Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group, points out that “demand very much outweighs supply.” To be a successful lawyer in this field, Lisa emphasizes the need for experience, recognizing that, “there is so much nuance, [and data privacy is] culturally based so you cannot just open a book and understand what to do.” In the next 10 years, Lisa hopes ...
As we previously reported, Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of Hunton & Williams LLP’s Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group, spoke at Bloomberg Law’s Second Annual Big Law Business Summit on changes in the privacy and security legal landscape. In Part 2 of her discussion, Lisa speaks about the evolution of privacy laws over the years. The “hundreds of [privacy laws] at the federal and state level,” as well as data protection laws in countries all over the world, is a far cry from the landscape in 1999 when Lisa started the privacy practice at Hunton & Williams. To keep up ...
Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of Hunton & Williams LLP’s Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group, recently spoke at Bloomberg Law’s Second Annual Big Law Business Summit. In Part 1 of the panel discussion, Lisa describes the dramatic changes in the legal landscape of privacy over the last 10 to 15 years, discussing the emergence of privacy laws such as “the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act for the financial sector, HIPAA for the health care sector and…of course, the local implementation of the European Data Protection Directive.” She then continues to note an ...
On July 25, 2016, Lisa Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, was interviewed on KUCI 88.9 FM radio’s Privacy Piracy show. Lisa discussed the changing regulatory landscape, information security enforcement actions, the threat actors who attack companies’ data and how to manage the aftermath of a data breach. “There is no industry sector that is exempt [from being targeted],” Lisa says. She notes that, because “data can be sold for a monetary sum, data is now the equivalent of cash.”
In a recent video segment, “What Do You Do with a Hacked Law Firm?”, from Mimesis Law’s Cy-Pher Executive Roundtable held in May, Lisa Sotto, chair of the firm’s Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice, and other privacy professionals discussed the Federal Trade Commission’s jurisdiction in bringing enforcement actions against law firms in a breach event. “There’s no reason why law firms are exempt from [those actions],” says Sotto. However, if the information lost is financial information or trade secrets rather than personal information, “it’s not ...
In a recent video published by Mimesis Law, Lisa Sotto, chair of the firm’s Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice, was interviewed during Mimesis Law’s Cy-Pher Executive Roundtable in New York. Sotto, along with several other privacy professionals, discussed the risks that law firms face in protecting their clients’ confidential information, as well as their own data. “[Law firms] are seeing multiple restrictions from clients imposing safeguards on [firms] with respect to their data,” explains Sotto. “Companies that work with law firms need to understand ...
On May 19, 2016, Hunton & Williams LLP and The Advisory Board Company hosted a webinar on How to Discuss Cybersecurity with Your C-Suite and Board of Directors. Hunton partner Matthew Jenkins moderated the session, and speakers included partner Paul Tiao, member of the firm’s Global Technology and Privacy practice, and The Advisory Board Company’s Chief Information Security Officer and Senior Research Director. Together, they provided insight and advice on how to have a productive conversation about security and risk with the most senior leaders in a health care ...
With the recent adoption of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and the significant changes it will require from organizations, AvePoint has joined forces with the Centre for Information Policy Leadership (“CIPL”), a global privacy policy think tank at Hunton & Williams LLP, to launch the first global survey to benchmark organizations’ readiness for the GDPR.
On March 9, 2016, Hunton & Williams LLP hosted a webinar regarding the impact of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) on global companies. Partner Aaron Simpson moderated the session, and speakers included partner and head of the Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice Lisa Sotto and partner Wim Nauwelaerts. Together, they explored the key components of the GDPR and discussed a roadmap toward compliance.
The webinar was the first segment in a two-part series, and Part 2 will be held in April.
On September 29, 2015, the Centre for Information Policy Leadership at Hunton & Williams LLP (“CIPL”), a global privacy policy think-tank based in Washington D.C. and London, hosted a webinar on The Ins and Outs of the APEC Cross-Border Privacy Rules (“CBPR”) and their Role in Enabling Legal Compliance and International Data Transfers.
On July 9, 2015, Hunton & Williams LLP hosted a webinar on the Proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation: Preparing for Change (Part 1). Hunton & Williams partner and head of the Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice Lisa Sotto moderated the session, which was led by speakers Bridget Treacy, managing partner of the firm’s London office; Wim Nauwelaerts, managing partner of the firm’s Brussels office; and Jörg Hladjk, counsel in the firm’s Brussels office. Together the speakers presented an overview of the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation, discussed ...
After a number of high-profile data breaches, corporate cybersecurity is facing increased scrutiny and attention from consumers, the government and the public. In a webinar, entitled Cyber Insurance: Addressing Your Risks and Liabilities, hosted by Hunton & Williams LLP and CT, Hunton & Williams partners Lon A. Berk and Lisa J. Sotto provide a background into the current cyber threats and educate companies and their counsel on how to take full advantage of their existing insurance programs and specialized cyber insurance products to effectively and proactively address cyber ...
From Wall Street to Main Street to Hollywood, steering clear of a data breach is challenging in a world where it is no longer a question of if but rather a matter of when your company will be hit. Hunton & Williams’ Chair of the Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice Lisa Sotto speaks in depth with associate Brittany Bacon about three groups of attackers, how they are infiltrating IT systems, what they are looking for, and how you can prepare. Today, Sotto says, cybersecurity is a legal issue, a risk issue and a governance issue, and one that matters to shareholders, boards of directors ...
On March 3, 2015, Steven Barnes, the host of the new Penn Law podcast series, Case in Point: Great Minds on Law and Life, interviewed Lisa Sotto, partner and chair of the Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, and Anita Allen, professor of law and philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania Law School and vice provost for faculty on trends in privacy and cybersecurity, discussing what we mean when we talk about our right to privacy.
On March 2, 2015, HuffPost Live interviewed four cybersecurity experts in response to a top financial regulator’s warning of an “Armageddon-type cyber event” that could eventually affect the U.S. economy. Lisa Sotto, partner and chair of the Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, was featured, describing the threat as legitimate and stressing that hackers are becoming more creative, sophisticated and motivated. She also emphasized that cybersecurity is a high-level governance issue for companies, not an IT matter.
On November 18, 2014, Hunton & Williams’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group hosted the latest webcast in its Hunton Global Privacy Update series. The program covered a number of privacy and data protection topics, including a report on the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners, highlights on the Council of the European Union’s proposed revisions to the compliance obligations of data controllers and data processors included in Chapter IV of the forthcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation, and U.S. highlights on California’s breach report and Federal Communications Commission enforcement actions.
On September 16, 2014, Hunton & Williams’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group hosted the latest webcast in its Hunton Global Privacy Update series. The program covered a number of privacy and data protection topics, including updates in the EU and Germany, highlights on the UK Information Commissioner’s Office annual report and an APEC update.
On July 15, 2014, Hunton & Williams’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group hosted the latest webcast in its Hunton Global Privacy Update series. The program covered a number of privacy and data protection topics, including the recent judgment in the Costeja case, the Centre for Information Policy Leadership’s work on a risk-based approach to privacy, the new Canadian anti-spam legislation that went into effect on July 1, and other developments in the U.S. and EU.
On May 14, 2014, Hunton & Williams’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group hosted the latest webcast in its Hunton Global Privacy Update series. The program provided a global overview of some of the most debated topics in data protection and privacy, including cross-border data flows, global data breach issues and the EU Cybersecurity Directive. In addition, we highlighted the latest information regarding the GPEN enforcement sweep.
On May 7, 2014, IronBox Secure File Transfer hosted a webinar featuring “Queen of Breach” attorney Lisa Sotto, who shared her top tips in the event of a data breach. Lisa Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, discussed the current cyber risk landscape and led participants through a hypothetical data breach scenario. She taught participants how to manage a data breach if the worst happens and provided key steps companies should take to prepare proactively for a cybersecurity event.
On April 20, 2014, Hunton & Williams partner Paul M. Tiao was featured on Platts Energy Week discussing the importance of the homeland security partnership between electric utility companies and the U.S. government. In the feature, “U.S. Utilities Wary of Sharing Grid Risks,” Tiao talked about the recent leak to The Wall Street Journal of a sensitive internal memo at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that revealed potential vulnerabilities in the electricity grid. Tiao said that many utility companies want to work with federal agencies to protect homeland security ...
On March 18, 2014, Hunton & Williams’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group hosted the latest webcast in its Hunton Global Privacy Update series. The program focused on some of the recent developments in privacy, including observations from the International Association of Privacy Professionals’ Global Privacy Summit in Washington, D.C., earlier this month, the National Institute of Standards and Technology final Cybersecurity Framework and the Article 29 Working Party’s recent Opinion on Binding Corporate Rules and Cross-Border Privacy Rules.
On January 21, 2014, Hunton & Williams’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group hosted the latest webcast in its Hunton Global Privacy Update series. The program highlighted some of the key privacy developments that companies will encounter in 2014, including cybersecurity issues in the U.S., California’s Do Not Track legislation, Safe Harbor, the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the CNIL’s new cookie guidance.
On November 19, 2013, Hunton & Williams’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group hosted the second webcast in its Hunton Global Privacy Update series. The program focused on the latest updates regarding the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“Proposed Regulation”), including a discussion of the European Parliament’s recent approval of its Compromise Text for the Proposed Regulation.
On September 19, 2013, Hunton & Williams’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group hosted the first webcast in its new Hunton Global Privacy Update series. The program focused on the latest updates regarding the EU General Data Protection Regulation, recent Safe Harbor issues from both European and American perspectives, and cybersecurity developments on both sides of the Atlantic.
Hunton Global Privacy Update sessions are 30-minutes in length and are scheduled to take place every two months.
On August 22, 2013, Hunton & Williams partner Paul M. Tiao was featured on CNBC’s Fast Money discussing NASDAQ’s recent crash. In the feature, “Are markets ready for cyber threats?”, Tiao talked about the steps the financial services industry has taken to protect against significant cybersecurity incidents, including “putting in best-of-breed information security policies” and “working across the industry to share information in a way that many other industries are not.”
On August 12, 2013, Privacy Piracy host Mari Frank interviewed Paul M. Tiao on KUCI 88.9 FM radio in Irvine, California. Paul is a partner in the Washington, D.C. office of Hunton & Williams, and the former Senior Counselor for Cybersecurity and Technology to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The interview included discussion of hot-button electronic surveillance issues such as the PRISM surveillance program and private sector management of government data requests.
In a recording prepared for the Centre for Information Policy Leadership at Hunton & Williams LLP’s (“Centre’s”) annual retreat, former UK Information Commissioner and Centre Global Strategy Advisor Richard Thomas discussed some of the challenges facing Big Data with respect to the purpose limitation principle set out in Article 6(1)(b) of the current EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. In April 2013, the Article 29 Working Party adopted an Opinion on this topic, focusing on how to apply the purpose limitation principle in the Big Data context. Richard Thomas ...
On June 18, 2013, the New York office of Hunton & Williams LLP office hosted Cornell University’s Privacy and Data Security Symposium, Privacy, Security & Your Data - Concerns in a Changing World. The program focused on global privacy and cybersecurity issues, including protecting the personal information of Internet users, balancing user privacy with law enforcement concerns, and implementing responsible data stewardship and governance. Moderated by Cornell University’s Tracy Mitrano, Director of IT Policy and Institute for Computer Policy and Law, the panel included:
On May 29, 2013, Hunton & Williams hosted a webinar, A Discussion on the Proposed EU Regulation: Developing a More Creative Approach. Hunton & Williams partner Bridget Treacy moderated the session with former UK Information Commissioner Richard Thomas, Global Strategy Advisor of the Centre for Information Policy Leadership at Hunton & Williams. Richard Thomas discussed the need for a more creative and flexible approach to the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation, with better-defined outcomes and targeting businesses that present the greatest risks. He also ...
On June 3, 2013, Privacy Piracy host Mari Frank interviewed Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, on KUCI 88.9 FM radio in Irvine, California. Listen to the latest developments in cybersecurity, including legal issues businesses should consider when dealing with cybersecurity threats and the types of information being targeted.
On June 3, 2013, Privacy Piracy host Mari Frank will interview Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, on KUCI 88.9 FM radio in Irvine, California. Listen to the latest developments in cybersecurity, including legal issues businesses should consider when dealing with cybersecurity threats and the types of information being targeted. The radio interview will be featured at 8:00 a.m. Pacific Time on KUCI 88.9 FM and is available via audio streaming at
On May 10, 2013, CBS News interviewed two cybersecurity authorities to discuss the growing debate of privacy online. In the feature, entitled “Should there be a ‘right to be forgotten’ online?,” Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, talked about the problem of individuals’ rights to delete their online activity. She pointed out that the U.S. has no comprehensive online privacy law, and instead has a framework “comprised of a patchwork quilt of laws.” ...
In an interview with Tom Field of BankInfoSecurity, Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, discussed the top privacy trends and threats for 2013. Lisa predicts that security vulnerabilities will remain the biggest threat to privacy, particularly with the move toward mobile computing. She also talked about key issues to watch in 2013, such as online behavioral advertising, big data and evolving privacy legislation and regulation, especially in the EU and other countries around the globe.
In an interview with Marianne Kolbasuk McGee of HealthcareInfoSecurity, Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, discusses the measures health care organizations should take to prepare for the issuance of the upcoming HIPAA Omnibus Rule. In March 2012, the Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) sent its final Omnibus Rule modifying the HIPAA Privacy, Security and Enforcement Rules to the White House Office of Management and Budget. In the interview, Sotto outlines her predictions of the content of the Omnibus Rule, including “modifications to the HIPAA privacy, security and enforcement rules” and “a final version of the HIPAA breach notification rule.”
On December 10, 2012, Tom Field of HealthcareInfoSecurity interviewed Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams LLP. Discussing the top legal issues in 2012, Lisa said that data breaches remain at the top of the list, with an increase in malicious cyberattacks. She also addressed the need to combat cybercrime.
Bloomberg Law’s Lee Pacchia interviewed Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, to discuss the recent data security incident involving Barnes & Noble stores. Sotto discussed life in the modern world of technology where there is an increased risk of data security incidents, and many companies only reach out to counsel after a data breach occurs. Sotto also described how large companies should protect themselves against these sophisticated cyberattacks. View the full live interview now.
On July 24, 2012, Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security Practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, gave a presentation on “Data Privacy in the Global Era” to the Western Independent Bankers Service Corporation. Sotto discussed U.S., EU and other international privacy laws, with a focus on two specific areas of interest, cloud computing and vendor management.
On May 24, 2012, Hunton & Williams LLP and Jordan Lawrence Group hosted a webcast on “Preparing for a New U.S. Privacy Landscape: An Overview of the FTC and White House Frameworks.” The webcast featured Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams, Aaron P. Simpson, partner at Hunton & Williams, and Rebecca Perry, Executive Vice President of Professional Services of Jordan Lawrence Group.
On May 24, 2012, Hunton & Williams LLP and Jordan Lawrence Group are pleased to present a 45-minute webcast on “Preparing for a New U.S. Privacy Landscape: An Overview of the FTC and White House Frameworks.” Presenters Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams, Aaron P. Simpson, partner at Hunton & Williams, and Rebecca Perry, Executive Vice President of Professional Services of Jordan Lawrence Group, will highlight the key privacy and information security issues contained in these new frameworks and the impact they will ...
On February 24, 2012, Eric Chabrow of BankInfoSecurity interviewed Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams LLP. Discussing the need for a Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights, Sotto briefly outlined the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed bill, and its potential impact on businesses.
On January 12, 2012, Hunton & Williams hosted an hour-long webinar on the current enforcement environment in the U.S. and EU. The webinar, Current Trends in Global Privacy Enforcement, covered issues ranging from the Federal Trade Commission’s tougher approach to investigations to increased monitoring of corporate privacy practices by European data protection authorities. Hunton & Williams speakers included Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice, London partner Bridget Treacy, London senior attorney Rosemary Jay and Brussels ...
On November 30, 2011, Tracy Kitten, Managing Editor of BankInfoSecurity, interviewed Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams LLP. Discussing how data breaches can be game changers for organizations that suffer major incidents, Sotto emphasized that companies need to consider both the legal compliance issues involved with data breaches and potential reputational risks. Sotto also addressed how attorneys can play a key role in helping companies through the process.
Read the interview transcript or listen to the ...
On September 19, 2011, Privacy Piracy host Mari Frank interviewed Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, on KUCI 88.9 FM radio in Irvine, California. In the interview, Ms. Sotto discussed critical current privacy and data security issues, including lessons learned from the recent data breaches, the regulatory framework in the U.S. and EU, and expected legislative changes in the privacy arena globally.
Listen to the Privacy Piracy interview.
On September 6, 2011, Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of Hunton & Williams’ Privacy and Data Security practice, discussed why companies and individuals should be concerned about protecting their personal information in an interview with
View the video of Lisa’s interview with Kimberly Guilfoyle.
On June 9, 2011, Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of Hunton & Williams LLP’s Privacy and Data Security practice, spoke during the regulatory session on state and federal laws at NetDiligence’s Cyber Risk & Privacy Liability Forum in Philadelphia. Sotto discussed recent changes to the legal landscape, emphasizing regulatory authorities’ growing interest in policy and enforcement issues and increased legislative activity on the state and federal levels.
View an excerpt from Sotto’s remarks as part of the panel discussion.
On June 6, 2011, Hunton & Williams hosted a panel discussion on what organizations in the UK, France, Germany and the Netherlands are doing to comply with the EU’s new cookie law. The webinar, Consent for Cookies: Preparing for the EU Cookie Law, featured David Evans, Group Manager of Business and Industry of the UK Information Commissioner’s Office, and Hunton & Williams Brussels-based associates Olivier Proust, Dr. Jörg Hladjk and Martijn ten Bloemendal. The panel was moderated by Bridget C. Treacy, partner in the London office of Hunton & Williams.
On April 5, 2011, Lisa Sotto, partner and head of the Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, discussed the Epsilon email breach in an interview with Tracy Kitten of Information Security Media Group. The interview covered issues such as data protection requirements for sensitive consumer data, steps companies should take to protect data and lessons to be learned from the breach. Download the podcast now.
On November 10, 2010, the American Bar Association’s Section of Antitrust Law’s International Committee and Corporate Counseling Committee hosted a webinar on “Regulating Privacy Across Borders in the Digital Age: An Emerging Global Consensus or Vive la Difference?”. A panel of senior officials and private sector experts provided insights on emerging cross-border data privacy and security issues. Hunton & Williams partner Lisa Sotto was tapped to moderate an outstanding panel which included Billy Hawkes, Commissioner, Office of the Data Protection Commissioner ...
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- Clinical Trial
- Cloud
- Cloud Computing
- Colombia
- Colorado
- Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States
- Commodity Futures Trading Commission
- Compliance
- Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
- Congress
- Connecticut
- Consent
- Consent Order
- Consumer Protection
- Cookies
- Coronavirus/COVID-19
- Council of Europe
- Council of the European Union
- Court of Justice of the European Union
- Credit Monitoring
- Credit Report
- Criminal Law
- Critical Infrastructure
- Croatia
- Cross-Border Data Flow
- Cross-Border Data Transfer
- Cyber Attack
- Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
- Data Brokers
- Data Controller
- Data Localization
- Data Privacy Framework
- Data Processor
- Data Protection Act
- Data Protection Authority
- Data Protection Impact Assessment
- Data Transfer
- David Dumont
- David Vladeck
- Deceptive Trade Practices
- Delaware
- Denmark
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Department of Homeland Security
- Department of Justice
- Department of the Treasury
- Department of Treasury
- District of Columbia
- Do Not Call
- Do Not Track
- Dobbs
- Dodd-Frank Act
- E-Privacy
- E-Privacy Directive
- Ecuador
- Ed Tech
- Edith Ramirez
- Electronic Communications Privacy Act
- Electronic Privacy Information Center
- Electronic Protected Health Information
- Elizabeth Denham
- Employee Monitoring
- Encryption
- EU Data Protection Directive
- EU Member States
- European Commission
- European Data Protection Board
- European Data Protection Supervisor
- European Parliament
- European Union
- Facial Recognition Technology
- Fair Credit Reporting Act
- Fair Information Practice Principles
- Federal Aviation Administration
- Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Federal Communications Commission
- Federal Data Protection Act
- Federal Trade Commission
- Financial Data
- FinTech
- Florida
- Food and Drug Administration
- Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
- France
- Franchise
- Fred Cate
- Freedom of Information Act
- Freedom of Speech
- Fundamental Rights
- Geofencing
- Geolocation
- Geolocation Data
- Georgia
- Germany
- Global Privacy Assembly
- Global Privacy Enforcement Network
- Gramm Leach Bliley Act
- Hacker
- Hawaii
- Health Data
- Hong Kong
- House of Representatives
- Hungary
- Illinois
- India
- Indiana
- Indonesia
- Information Commissioners Office
- Information Sharing
- Insurance Provider
- Internal Revenue Service
- International Association of Privacy Professionals
- International Commissioners Office
- Internet
- Internet of Things
- Iowa
- IP Address
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Jacob Kohnstamm
- Japan
- Jason Beach
- Jay Rockefeller
- Jenna Rode
- Jennifer Stoddart
- Jersey
- Jessica Rich
- John Delionado
- John Edwards
- Kentucky
- Korea
- Latin America
- Laura Leonard
- Law Enforcement
- Lawrence Strickling
- Legislation
- Liability
- Lisa Sotto
- Litigation
- Location-Based Services
- London
- Madrid Resolution
- Maine
- Malaysia
- Markus Heyder
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Meta
- Mexico
- Microsoft
- Minnesota
- Mobile
- Mobile App
- Mobile Device
- Montana
- Morocco
- MySpace
- Natascha Gerlach
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
- National Labor Relations Board
- National Science and Technology Council
- National Security
- National Security Agency
- National Telecommunications and Information Administration
- Nebraska
- Netherlands
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- New Zealand
- Nigeria
- Ninth Circuit
- North Carolina
- North Korea
- Norway
- Obama Administration
- Office for Civil Rights
- Office of Foreign Assets Control
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Online Behavioral Advertising
- Online Privacy
- Opt-In Consent
- Oregon
- Outsourcing
- Pakistan
- Parental Consent
- Payment Card
- Penalty
- Pennsylvania
- Personal Data
- Personal Health Information
- Personal Health Information
- Personal Information
- Personally Identifiable Information
- Peru
- Philippines
- Phyllis Marcus
- Poland
- Privacy By Design
- Privacy Policy
- Privacy Rights
- Privacy Rule
- Privacy Shield
- Profiling
- Protected Health Information
- Ransomware
- Record Retention
- Red Flags Rule
- Rhode Island
- Richard Thomas
- Right to Be Forgotten
- Right to Privacy
- Risk-Based Approach
- Rosemary Jay
- Russia
- Safe Harbor
- Sanctions
- Schrems
- Scott Kimpel
- Securities and Exchange Commission
- Security Rule
- Senate
- Sensitive Data
- Serbia
- Service Provider
- Singapore
- Smart Grid
- Smart Metering
- Social Media
- Social Security Number
- South Africa
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- South Korea
- Spain
- Spyware
- Standard Contractual Clauses
- State Attorneys General
- Steven Haas
- Stick With Security Series
- Stored Communications Act
- Student Data
- Supreme Court
- Surveillance
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Taiwan
- Targeted Advertising
- Telecommunications
- Telemarketing
- Telephone Consumer Protection Act
- Tennessee
- Terry McAuliffe
- Texas
- Text Message
- Thailand
- Transparency
- Transportation Security Administration
- Trump Administration
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- Uruguay
- Utah
- Vermont
- Video Privacy Protection Act
- Video Surveillance
- Virginia
- Viviane Reding
- Washington
- Whistleblowing
- Wireless Network
- Wiretap
- ZIP Code