New ANPD resolution establishes rules and procedures for international data transfers. Brazilian firm Mattos Filho reports on the new rules.
Pablo A. Palazzi from Allende & Brea in Argentina reports that on June 30, 2023, the Argentine Executive Branch sent the new proposed Personal Data Protection Bill (the “Bill”) to the National Congress for consideration. The Bill was drafted by the Argentine Data Protection Authority (Agencia de Acceso a la Información Pública, or “AAIP”) and seeks to amend the current Personal Data Protection Act (Law No. 25,326 of 2000).
On August 14, 2017, the Colombian Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (“SIC”) announced that it was adding the United States to its list of nations that provide an adequate level of protection for the transfer of personal information, according to a report from Bloomberg BNA. The SIC, along with the Superintendence of Finance, is Colombia’s data protection authority, and is responsible for enforcing Colombia’s data protection law. Under Colombian law, transfers of personal information to countries that are deemed to have laws providing an adequate level of ...
On September 30, 2013, Hunton & Williams LLP hosted representatives from the U.S. Department of Commerce for a timely discussion of the Safe Harbor Framework, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (“APEC”) Cross-Border Privacy Rules System (“CBPRs”), and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (“TTIP”) negotiations. The panel also addressed the development of privacy codes of conduct and privacy legislation being developed by the Department of Commerce.
On July 12, 2013, during the Centre for Information Policy Leadership’s First Friday call, José Alejandro Bermúdez Durana, Deputy Superintendent for Data Protection for Colombia’s Superintendency of Industry and Commerce, discussed the secondary regulations issued on June 27, 2013 to implement Colombia’s omnibus data protection law enacted in 2012. The Deputy Superintendent discussed key aspects of the regulations, and provided information regarding additional regulations that are needed to implement binding codes of conduct.
On June 27, 2013, the Colombian Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism issued regulations pursuant to the country’s new data protection law. The regulations, entitled Decreto Número 1377 de 2013, por el cual se reglamenta parcialmente la Ley 1581 de 2012, address a variety of topics, including the following:
- Consent requirements relating to the collection of personal data;
- Restrictions on the processing of children’s personal data;
- Content and delivery of privacy notices;
- Cross-border data transfer restrictions;
- Data transfer agreements;
- Internal privacy ...
On October 17, 2012, Colombia enacted a new omnibus data protection law known as Ley 1581 del 17 de octubre de 2012 por el cual se dictan disposiciones generales para la protección de datos personales. The law contains significant notice and consent requirements, special provisions for the processing of children’s data, European-style data subject rights (e.g., access and correction), special obligations applicable specifically and directly to service providers, a registration requirement and cross-border data transfer restrictions. The law also provides for the ...
On April 17, 2012, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Alberta and British Columbia released guidance on their expectations for accountable privacy programs as required by Canadian law. The guidance, entitled “Getting Accountability Right with a Privacy Management Program,” discusses the building blocks of a comprehensive privacy program for businesses of all sizes. Although intended for a Canadian audience, the paper likely will have worldwide influence given recent privacy law developments around the globe.
On October 7, 2011, the Constitutional Court of Colombia approved a landmark omnibus data protection law. According to its press release, the Court approved almost all provisions in the legislation, known as Ley estatutaria No. 184/ 10 Senado, 046/10 Cámara, but it took issue with Article 27 (which addresses the government’s processing of certain data), Article 29 (which addresses the expunging of certain criminal records) and Articles 30 and 31 (which both address intelligence and counterintelligence databases). Many of the remaining provisions reflect a strong European influence. Some highlights include:
- With certain exceptions, the law prohibits the processing of personal data without the data subject’s prior consent. When the personal data are sensitive data (e.g., health data), the consent must take the form of an explicit authorization.
- The law permits cross-border transfers of personal data to countries that lack adequate data protection laws only in specified circumstances, such as (1) when the data subject has given express and unequivocal consent for the transfer (2) the transfer is necessary for the performance of a contract between the data subject and the data controller, or (3) with the approval of the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce.
- The processing of children’s personal data is generally prohibited.
- Data subjects have access rights.
The Department of Commerce released an English translation of Peru’s Law for Personal Data Protection (Ley de Protección de Datos Personales, Ley No. 29733). The law passed Peru’s Congress on June 7, 2011, and was signed by the president July 2, 2011. Peru’s adoption of this new law is in keeping with a recent trend in Latin America, where Uruguay, Mexico and Colombia also have passed privacy legislation.
On July 25, 2011, Netflix stated that it will hold off on the launch of its Facebook integration in the U.S. due to legal issues related to the Video Privacy Protection Act (“VPPA”). The new Facebook feature would allow Netflix subscribers to share their movie viewing information with friends online. Netflix indicated in its second quarter shareholder letter that it supports House Bill 2471 (“H.B. 2471”), a proposed bipartisan amendment to the VPPA intended to clarify the consent requirement for sharing consumer video viewing information. The letter states that “[u]nder the VPPA, it is ambiguous when and how a user can give permission for his or her video viewing data to be shared” and that the VPPA “discourages us from launching our Facebook integration domestically.” As a result, the company plans to limit the campaign to Canada and Latin America until questions concerning the VPPA are resolved.
Following its recent enactment of an omnibus data protection law, Mexico has been unanimously elected to lead the Ibero-American Data Protection Network, a consortium of the governments of Spain, Portugal, Andorra and 19 Latin American countries. The group’s mission is to foster, maintain and strengthen an exchange of information, experience and knowledge among Ibero-American countries through dialogue and collaboration on issues related to personal data protection. The IFAI announced on September 29, 2010, that Jacqueline Peschard, head of Mexico’s Federal ...
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