Hunton Authors Article in Pratt’s Privacy & Cybersecurity Law Report
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Categories: Cybersecurity

Hunton & Williams LLP’s Aaron Simpson, partner in the firm’s Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice, and Adam Solomon, associate, co-authored an article in Pratt’s Privacy & Cybersecurity Law Report entitled Dealmakers Ignore Cyber Risks At Their Own Peril.

The article addresses the cybersecurity and privacy risks associated with corporate transactions such as mergers and acquisitions and private equity deals. In the article, Simpson and Solomon speak in detail about how businesses can mitigate risks associated with data breaches and privacy issues by taking a proactive approach when performing due diligence.

Pratt’s Privacy & Cybersecurity Law Report is a subscription journal, written by industry leading privacy professionals and published nine times a year. The journal covers legal issues relating to privacy and cybersecurity law. Aaron Simpson currently serves on the Board of Editors.


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