EDPB Creates Cookie Banner Taskforce
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On September 27, 2021, the European Data Protection Board (the “EDPB”) announced that it established a taskforce to coordinate the response to complaints filed with several EU data protection authorities (“DPAs”) by the non-governmental organization None of Your Business (“NOYB”) in relation to cookie banners.

In May 2021, NOYB sent over 500 draft complaints to companies regarding their use of cookie banners. The complaints focused on the absence of a “Reject All” option in the first layer of cookie consent, the use of deceptive design to encourage people to agree to non-essential cookies and the practical difficulties associated with refusing, as opposed to agreeing to, the use of non-essential cookies. NOYB then filed more than 400 formal complaints with relevant DPAs.

According to the EDPB, the taskforce aims to “promote cooperation, information sharing and best practices” between the DPAs.


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