Hunton Insurance Attorney Geoffrey Fehling Presents at ABA Director and Officer Liability Committee Spring Meeting
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Hunton insurance coverage attorney Geoffrey Fehling recently presented on new developments in the area of D&O liability insurance at the Director and Officer Liability Committee’s spring meeting, which concluded a week of programming, networking, and other events at the 2021 ABA Business Law Virtual Spring Meeting. The mission of the Committee on Director and Officer Liability is to monitor developments concerning the liability of directors and officers of for-profit corporations, including court decisions, government actions, D&O insurance, and indemnification and advancement.

Geoff was first appointed as Vice Chair of the group’s Insurance Subcommittee but has since been elevated to serve as a Vice Chair of the Committee. Over the past year, Geoff and other Committee leaders have provided updates to members through periodic alerts and announcements, as well as presented on noteworthy developments related to D&O insurance, indemnification, advancement, and other topics.


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