Posts tagged Packaging.
Time 5 Minute Read

The Extended Producer Responsibility (“EPR”) movement for packaging is growing in the U.S., marking a shift in how some states are approaching waste management and recycling. Rather than leaving municipalities to bear the full cost of waste management and recycling programs, states with EPR programs are poised to shift costs associated with building out recycling infrastructure to producers of products covered by EPR requirements. In 2024, there were significant legislative, regulatory, and programmatic developments in several states. We expect these trends to accelerate in 2025, as several programs reach the initial implementation phase of their EPR programs.

Time 7 Minute Read

With the growing emergence of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws, companies selling products in the United States must increasingly plan for the end of a product’s life. EPR programs shift waste-management responsibilities that have traditionally been handled by consumers or state and local governments to the “producer” of the product.

Most existing EPR programs in the United States target packaging materials, especially plastic packaging. So far, four states have finalized EPR legislation for packaging: Maine, Oregon, Colorado, and California.[1] Each of these states is currently in the process of developing a regulatory program. In 2023, several additional states introduced EPR legislation, signaling that other states may soon follow.


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