International Tax


The tax team at Hunton regularly advises clients on tax-efficient structures for cross-border transactions of all varieties, including mergers and acquisitions and joint ventures. Our tax lawyers advise on ownership of and operating in in-bound or out-bound structures designed to minimize our clients’ worldwide effective tax rates, working with the relevant local country experts to utilize favorable income tax treaties, organize holding companies in low tax countries and create hybrid entities and financial instruments. Our advice takes into account, among other matters, US foreign tax credit rules, the tax treatment for earnings repatriation to or from the United States and US anti-deferral rules. We coordinate our advice with in-country tax advisers and transfer pricing consultants to achieve tax-efficient results, considering the particular tax characteristics and domicile of our clients’ stakeholders. Our tax team also helps our clients design and implement cross-border compensation and employee benefit and retirement plans. 




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