Antitrust Litigation

Antitrust Litigation

America’s system of private treble-damages antitrust litigation is unique in the world, and it creates special challenges and opportunities for companies competing in U.S. markets.

Clients seek us out for the most challenging competition matters. Our lawyers have supervised and participated in cutting-edge government litigation and investigations; tried some of the most prominent antitrust trials; won or favorably settled many others; and successfully resolved civil and criminal antitrust inquiries. Our litigators include former senior government antitrust enforcers, experienced trial lawyers, and clerks from a variety of courts. That combination gives our clients the representation they need for the most crucial matters.

We are proud to have been ranked in Global Competition Review’s GCR 100, Chambers Global, Chambers USA, International Who’s Who of Competition Lawyers, Guide to the World’s Leading Competition and Antitrust Lawyers, and Benchmark Litigation.


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