On July 7, 2010, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office published a new code of practice for the collection of personal data online. Launching the new code at a data protection conference, UK Information Commissioner Christopher Graham said, “the benefits of the internet age are clear: the chance to make more contacts, quicker transactions and greater convenience. But there are risks too. A record of our online activity can reveal our most personal interests. Get privacy right and you will retain the trust and confidence of your customers and users; mislead consumers or collect information you don’t need and you are likely to diminish customer trust and face enforcement action from the ICO.”
On July 6, 2010, Mexico’s Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares came into force. As we previously reported, on April 27, 2010, the Mexican Senate unanimously approved this landmark federal data protection law governing the collection, processing and disclosure of personal data by the private sector. Pursuant to the adoption of the new law, the Mexican Federal Institute of Access to Public Information has changed its name to the Federal Institute of Access to Information and Data Protection.
As reported by the IAPP, the Institute’s ...
The Australian government recently released an exposure draft of legislation that would fundamentally reform the Australian Privacy Act and would unify public and private sector privacy principles. The exposure draft includes thirteen principles intended to protect individuals from the risks associated with the sharing of personal information.
Of particular interest to the international business community, Principle 8 addresses the cross-border disclosure of personal information. The principle states that an entity must take reasonable steps to ensure that an overseas recipient does not breach the Australian Privacy Principles with respect to personal information being disclosed, but provides an exception if the entity reasonably believes that (i) the recipient of the information is subject to a law or binding scheme that provides protection that is substantially similar to protections provided by the Australian Privacy Principles, and (ii) there are mechanisms available for affected individuals to enforce such protection.
On June 24, 2010, the Article 29 Working Party adopted Opinion 2/2010 (the “Opinion”) providing further clarification on online behavioral advertising. The Working Party also issued a press release on this topic. Although the scope of the Opinion is limited to online profiling, its interpretation of Article 5(3) of the amended e-Privacy Directive provides some useful clarifications regarding the legal framework applicable to online behavioral advertising and the use of cookies. We provide a short analysis of the Opinion below.
Opt-in? Browser setting as opt-in? Opt-out? The Opinion clarifies the Working Party’s interpretation of the new Article 5(3) and Recital 66 of the e-Privacy Directive. According to the Working Party, Article 5(3) and Recital 66, along with the General Data Protection Directive (“Directive 95/46/EC”), require prior opt-in consent since “prior opt-in consent mechanisms are better suited to deliver informed consent.”
On June 17, 2010, the French data protection authority (the “CNIL”) reported that it had conducted an on-site investigation at Google on May 19 to examine activities by Google’s Street View cars. This investigation followed Google’s May 14 announcement that it had inadvertently captured Wi-Fi signals emitted in locations where its vehicles were taking photos.
On June 18, 2010, the data protection authority of the German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein published a press release and a comprehensive legal opinion on cloud computing. The opinion provides an overview of cloud computing and discusses various practical and legal matters, including:
- Applicable law issues
- The legal basis for cloud computing and related processor and controller issues
- Problems associated with the possibility of third-party access
- The minimum requirements for data processor relationships and service provider contracts under the new German data protection law
- Technical and organizational security measures
- The legal landscape for clouds located outside the European Union
On June 17, 2010, the French data protection authority (the “CNIL”) published its Annual Activity Report for 2009 (the “Report”) in which it outlines some of its priorities for the upcoming year.
In February 2009, the CNIL published a report on online targeted advertising. Among other things, the CNIL voiced its concern regarding online behavioral and advertising activities and analyzed the risks of increasing user profiling. In 2010, the CNIL is expected to issue a joint opinion with the Article 29 Working Party on targeted advertising and behavioral analysis. The CNIL also will open a dialogue with several stakeholders from the marketing sector to work on adopting a code of best practices.
Reporting from Israel, legal consultant Dr. Omer Tene writes:
The Israeli Law, Information and Technology Authority (“ILITA”), Israel’s privacy regulator, continues to up the ante for data controllers in Israel. This week ILITA imposed a $70,000 (NIS 258,000) fine against a company illicitly trading personal data.
On May 25, 2010, two privacy-related bills were introduced in the Parliament of Canada: the Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act (“FISA” or Bill C-28) and the Safeguarding Canadians’ Personal Information Act (Bill C-29) amending the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”).
Bill C-29 is the long-awaited government response to the five-year mandatory review of PIPEDA. The centerpiece of the bill is a new disclosure provision for security breaches related to personal information. Key elements in the security breach notification proposal include:
- Any “material breach of security safeguards involving personal information” would have to be reported to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.
- A determination of whether the breach is “material” would be made by the entity, based on the sensitivity of the information, the number of individuals affected and whether there is a systemic problem.
- Notification would have to be made “as soon as feasible” individuals affected by the breach “if it is reasonable in the circumstances to believe that the breach creates a real risk of significant harm to the individual.”
- A determination of whether there is a “real risk” would be made by the entity, based on the sensitivity of the information and the probability that the personal information has been, is being or will be misused.
On May 28, 2010, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office issued a press release stating that it has been notified of more than 1,000 data security breaches since it began keeping records in late 2007. There is no mandatory reporting requirement in the UK, so the actual number of breaches is likely to be significantly higher. The ICO’s press release notes that the majority of breaches occur as a result of human or technical errors, such as employees improperly disclosing data to third parties or automated machines sending out letters to the wrong addresses.
On April 29, 2010, German data protection authorities issued a resolution regarding the obligations of German data exporters with respect to U.S. data importers that have self-certified under the Safe Harbor program. By requiring additional diligence when transferring data to Safe Harbor-certified entities, the resolution may appear to raise questions with respect to the European Commission’s decision that Safe Harbor certification is sufficient to demonstrate an adequate level of privacy protection.
In a letter to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission dated May 26, 2010, the Article 29 Working Party expressed concerns regarding the retention and anonymization policies of Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft. Specifically, the Working Party requested that the FTC examine the compatibility of the three search engine providers’ actions with provisions of Section 5 of the FTC Act which prohibits unfair or deceptive trade practices.
At a meeting held April 7-9, 2010, the Council on General Affairs and Policy of the Hague Conference on Private International Law adopted a document entitled 'Cross-Border Data Flows and Protection of Privacy' that outlines the organization's possible future work in the area of privacy and data protection law. The document contains an overview of international data protection initiatives of the last few years, and addresses various cross-border cooperation issues, including problems created by the difficulty of determining applicable law and jurisdiction in cross-border data flows. In
Following the first “hung parliament” since 1974, the UK is facing considerable legislative reform under the newly formed Conservative - Liberal Democrat coalition government. Although the parties appear to have differing opinions on a number of legislative issues, one issue that unites them is their commitment (at least in theory) to strengthening the current data protection regime implemented under the Labour government.
Each party’s manifesto states that, should it be elected, it will enhance the audit powers of the Information Commissioner (the UK data protection regulator). Currently, the Information Commissioner may audit government departments and public authorities suspected of violating data protection principles without their prior consent. The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats propose to extend the Information Commissioner’s audit powers to private sector organizations. This could be achieved in theory by secondary legislation.
According to a report issued by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (“FRA”), European data protection authorities lack sufficient independence and funding. In addition, DPAs impose few sanctions for violations of data protection laws. DPAs “are often not equipped with full powers of investigation and intervention or the capacity to give legal advice or engage in legal proceedings.” In a number of countries, including Austria, France, Germany, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland and the UK, “prosecutions and sanctions for violations are limited or non-existing.” ...
On May 7, 2010, the data protection authority of the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia imposed a fine of €120,000 on Deutsche Postbank AG for illegal disclosure of customers’ bank account transaction data. The bank unlawfully allowed approximately 4,000 self-employed agents to access information on more than a million customer accounts for sales purposes.
The Mexican Senate has unanimously approved a landmark data protection law governing information use in the private sector, la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en posesión de los particulares. We provided information on the bill last week when the Chamber of Deputies voted to approve it. The legislation has been forwarded to the president for signature. We will provide further details as this story develops.
On April 20, 2010, the Department of Commerce (“DOC”) issued a Notice of Inquiry to solicit public feedback “on the impact of current privacy laws in the United States and around the world on the pace of innovation in the information economy.” The aim is to understand “whether current privacy laws serve consumer interests and fundamental democratic values.” To this end, the DOC poses a number of questions, including:
- Is the notice and choice approach to consumer privacy outmoded? Would consumers be better served by a “use-based” model?
- How does compliance with ...
On April 19, 2010, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Jennifer Stoddart, and the heads of nine other international data protection authorities took part in an unprecedented collaboration by issuing a strongly worded letter of reproach to Google’s Chief Executive Officer, Eric Schmidt. The joint letter, which was also signed by data protection officials from France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain and the United Kingdom, highlighted growing international concern that “the privacy rights of the world’s citizens are being forgotten as Google rolls out new technological applications.”
On April 8, 2010, the Digital Economy Act (the “Act”), containing provisions relating to online copyright infringement, network infrastructure and digital safety, became law in the UK. The Act’s main provisions include:
- new duties for the Office of Communications (the UK’s communications regulator), to report every three years on issues such as the UK’s communications infrastructure and Internet domain name registration;
- additional obligations on Internet Service Providers (“ISPs”) that seek to reduce online copyright infringement;
- increased penalties for online copyright infringement; and
- intervention powers with respect to Internet domain registries.
Following up on our previous post on the sentencing of three Google executives by an Italian court, the New York Times reports that an 111-page explanation of the verdict has been released. Judge Oscar Magi found that Google had an obligation to make users more aware of its EU privacy policies, and cited Google’s active marketing of its Google Video site as indicative of the company’s profit motive for not removing the video sooner.
According to Mr. M. Jorge Yanez V., a partner at the law firm of Barrera, Siqueiros y Torres Landa, S.C. in Mexico City, on April 13, 2010, the Mexican Chamber of Deputies passed a bill that, when ratified by the Senate, will become the country’s new Federal Law of Protection of Personal Information. The Senate is expected to pass the bill shortly and without revisions. When the bill is enacted into law, Mexico’s Federal Institute of Access to Information, the agency that currently oversees the disclosure of and access to government information, will be renamed the Federal ...
The Madrid Resolution on global standards provided new momentum behind the concept of one world, one standard for privacy in international commerce. New Zealand Privacy Commissioner Marie Shroff is one of the thoughtful officials who has joined in the call for a global framework. Commissioner Shroff discussed her views on global standards in an interview with Marty Abrams during the Centre for Information Policy Leadership’s First Friday Call on April 9, 2010.
In the wake of recent amendments to the German Federal Data Protection Act, the German Federal Ministry of the Interior (the Bundesinnenministerium des Innern) is working on a draft law on special rules for employee data protection. The draft law is intended to provide clarification on some issues that were not addressed fully in the amendments that entered into force on September 1, 2009. The Ministry’s overarching considerations are set forth in a key issues paper that was published April 1, 2010.
Demos, an independent UK-based think tank, has published a report describing the views of a cross-section of British people on how their personal data are used by the public and private sectors. Private Lives: A People’s Inquiry Into Personal Information (the “Report”) was researched in the context of the UK Information Commissioner’s Office’s consultation on the Personal Information Online Code of Practice. The Information Commissioner called for industry and research groups to provide context for the new Code of Practice. “What emerges from the study is a fascinating picture of a public who certainly care about information rights, but who are by no means hysterical about perceived threats to liberty or privacy,” observed UK Information Commissioner Christopher Graham.
Justice Michael Kirby was invited by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (the “OECD”) to open the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data. Justice Kirby led the group of experts who worked from 1978-1980 to develop the Guidelines, which have formed the basis of modern privacy and data protection law.
On February 19, 2010, the Court of Appeals of Versailles (the “Court”) upheld the unlimited seizure and review of a company’s emails by several agents of the French Competition Authority (Autorité de la Concurrence). The agents had been authorized by a lower court judge to inspect the emails pursuant to an investigation into an alleged abuse of dominant position in the pharmaceutical market.
On March 17, 2010, the French Data Protection Authority (the “CNIL”) published a report concerning on-site inspections and outlined its objectives for the coming year. In the report, which was adopted on February 18, 2010, the CNIL indicated that it intends to conduct at least 300 on-site inspections throughout France in 2010, with a special focus on the following issues:
- ensuring compliance with CNIL decisions, in particular the CNIL’s standards for simplified notifications;
- verifying that data controllers comply with the technical recommendations defined in their registration forms; and
- assessing the effectiveness of data protection officers within organizations.
Earlier this year, the EU’s Article 29 Working Party published an opinion finding that Israeli data protection law largely provides an “adequate level of data protection” under EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. The recommendation breaks new ground. Law professor Omer Tene, who acted as an advisor to the Israeli government during the process, discussed Israel’s approval during this recorded segment from the Centre for Information Policy Leadership’s “First Friday” call on March 5, 2010.
In a decision handed down on February 25, 2010, the French Constitutional Court ruled that the right to privacy derives from Article 2 of the Declaration of Human Rights, and is therefore considered a constitutional right under French law. The Court also ruled that the legislature must strike a balance between the right to privacy and other fundamental interests, such as preventing threats to public safety, which are necessary to preserve constitutional rights and principles.
In conjunction with the celebration of its 10th anniversary on March 16, the International Association of Privacy Professionals is releasing a white paper on the future of the privacy profession entitled, “A Call for Agility: The Next-Generation Privacy Professional.” When the IAPP initially was formed, the role of the chief privacy officer was newly emerging following the dot-com boom. Over the past 10 years, the exponential increase in data collection and retention have propelled the privacy professional into senior levels of management. Reflecting the growth of the privacy professional’s role, the IAPP’s membership has grown to include over 6,500 privacy professionals from businesses, governments and academic institutions across 50 countries.
On March 9, 2010, the European Court of Justice ruled that the Federal Republic of Germany’s practice of “state supervision” over data protection authorities violates EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. The case, brought by the EU Commission, is a milestone which will force Germany to change the structure of its DPA system and could have ramifications in other countries as well.
The Court’s decision is based on Article 28(1) of the Directive, which requires that data protection authorities (“DPAs”) act with “complete independence.” German law makes a distinction with regard to DPA supervision depending on whether the data processing is carried out by public or non-public bodies. There are therefore different authorities responsible for monitoring public entities’ compliance with data protection provisions versus those that monitor compliance by private parties and undertakings governed by public law which compete on the market (öffentlich-rechtliche Wettbewerbsunternehmen) outside the public sector (such as transportation and utility companies).
Alberta’s Information and Privacy Commissioner, Frank Work, issued a news release regarding the recent Court of Appeal of Alberta decision in Alberta Teachers’ Association v. Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner). In the case, the Court held that the Information and Privacy Commission has no authority to extend investigation time limits under the Personal Information Protection Act (“PIPA”) after the statutory time limit has expired. Further, if the Commissioner extends the time in an inquiry process within the time limit, he must provide reasons for the extension, and his decision will be subject to judicial review. The Court noted that “[b]lanket or routine extensions seem unlikely to be regarded as reasonable if they cannot also be justified in the specific circumstances of the case.” PIPA is provincial legislation that governs the use of personal information by private sector organizations in Alberta.
On March 3, 2010, the UK Information Commissioner launched a report on the "Privacy Dividend" (the “Report”), which outlines the business case for proactively investing in privacy protection. The lack of a robust business case is a common barrier to privacy investment, and too often such investment is approved only after a privacy breach or other crisis occurs.
On February 24, 2010, the French Senate’s Committee of Laws published an amended bill on the right to privacy in the digital age (“Proposition de loi visant à garantir le droit à la vie privée à l’heure du numérique”) (the “Bill”). Following the initial draft presented by Senators Yves Détraigne and Anne-Marie Escoffier, this revised version is based on a second Senate Report in which concrete proposals are made to amend the Data Protection Act.
On March 2, 2010, the German Federal Constitutional Court ruled that the mass storage of telephone and Internet data for law enforcement purposes is unlawful in its current form.
Since 2008, the challenged law has required telecom companies to retain data from telephone, email and Internet traffic, as well as mobile phone location data, for six months. This information may be retrieved for law enforcement and safety purposes. Constitutional claims were brought before the Court by nearly 35,000 citizens, representing the largest mass claim proceeding in German history.
On February 16, 2010, the Article 29 Working Party adopted Opinion 1/2010 (the “Opinion”) providing further clarification and guidance on the interpretation of the concepts of “data controller” and “data processor” in the context of the EU’s Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC.
In February 24, 2010, an Italian court in Milan found three Google executives guilty of violating applicable Italian privacy laws. The executives were accused of violating Italian law by having allowed a video showing an autistic teenager being bullied to be posted online. The Google executives, Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer David Drummond, Chief Privacy Counsel Peter Fleischer and former Chief Financial Officer George Reyes, were fined and received six-month suspended jail sentences.
On February 11, 2010, the plenary of the European Parliament rejected by a vote of 378 to 196 the agreement reached in 2009 between the EU and the U.S. to allow access by U.S. law enforcement authorities to the payment database of the financial consortium SWIFT. The agreement had been negotiated between the EU Council of Ministers and the European Commission with the U.S. government to allow continued access to the database, a mirror copy of which had been moved by SWIFT from the U.S. to Europe. With the Lisbon Treaty’s entry into force, the Parliament gained new powers to approve measures affecting law enforcement and civil liberties, and a number of members of the Parliament have expressed concern regarding the level of data protection provided for in the agreement. According to news reports, several top U.S. government officials (including Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner) had been lobbying the European Parliament to approve the agreement, on the grounds that it was essential to fight terrorism in both the U.S. and Europe.
On February 1, 2010, it became compulsory for randomly selected passengers at Heathrow and Manchester airports in the UK to pass through full body scanners before boarding their flights. This enhanced security screening has been implemented following the attempted Christmas Day terrorist attack at the Detroit airport in the United States, after which the British government announced that it would begin mandatory body scanning at all UK airports. The move has raised concerns about the excessive collection of personal data.
On February 5, 2010, the European Commission adopted a new set of standard contractual clauses (“SCCs”) for transfers of personal data from data controllers in the EU to data processors outside the EU. View the European Commission press release.
Cloud computing raises complex legal issues related to privacy and information security. As legislators and regulators around the world grapple with the privacy and data security implications of cloud computing, companies seeking to implement cloud-based solutions should closely monitor this rapidly evolving legal landscape for developments. In an article published on February 3, 2010, Lisa Sotto, Bridget Treacy and Melinda McLellan explore U.S. and EU legal requirements applicable to data stored by cloud providers, and highlight some of the risks associated with the use ...
Pursuant to a public complaint, on January 27, 2010, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada announced a new investigation into Facebook. The investigation concerns the social networking site’s introduction of a tool that required its users to review their privacy settings in December 2009. According to the complaint, Facebook’s new default settings allegedly made some users’ information more accessible than previously had been the case. Elizabeth Denham, the Assistant Privacy Commissioner, indicated “[s]ome Facebook users are disappointed by certain changes being ...
On January 29, 2009, the German Federal Network Agency (the “Agency”) stated in a press release that it has imposed fines for unauthorized telephone advertising in six cases. This brings the total to nine procedures (resulting in €500,000 in fines) during the months of December 2009 and January 2010, and marks the first time the Agency has imposed sanctions for violations of the prohibition on unauthorized telephone advertising and for breach of the caller ID requirement for marketing calls.
On January 19, 2010, Information and Privacy Commissioner David Loukidelis resigned to accept the post of Deputy Attorney General of British Columbia. Mr. Paul Fraser, the Conflict of Interest Commissioner, has been named interim Commissioner. The appointment of a permanent successor is expected in the spring when the British Columbia legislature reconvenes.
View the Commissioner Loukidelis' letter of resignation.
On January 18, 2010, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Jennifer Stoddart, announced a public consultation to examine the privacy issues associated with online tracking, profiling and targeting of consumers. The Commissioner noted that the consultation will “provide a forum for the exploration of the privacy implications related to this modern industry practice, and the protections that Canadians expect.” The consultation marks the first in a series to review emerging technologies that are likely to have a considerable impact on consumer privacy. The announcement of a ...
On January 11, 2010, the data protection authority of the German federal state of Baden-Wurtemberg issued a press release stating that it had fined the Müller Group €137,500 for illegal retention of health-related data and failure to appoint a Data Protection Officer.
In April 2009, the German press reported that the Müller Group, a drugstore chain comprised of twelve entities and employing some 20,000 workers, was illegally collecting health data from its employees. Specifically, employees returning from sick leave were required to complete a form and provide the reason for their sicknesses. After conducting an investigation, the DPA confirmed these allegations. Since 2006, the Müller Group entities had systematically requested employees returning from sick leave to identify the reasons for their sicknesses on a form that was then sent to the Group’s central Human Resources department to be scanned. As of April 2009, approximately 24,000 records containing data on employee illnesses were being stored in Müller’s centralized HR files.
On January 12, 2010, Ms. Viviane Reding, Commissioner-designate for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, was questioned during a public hearing before the European Parliament. During this hearing, Ms. Reding revealed her priorities in the field of privacy and data protection. “Fundamental rights and data protection will be top of the line” said Ms. Reding, who explained that she intends to incorporate the EU’s data protection rules into a modern and comprehensive legal instrument.
On January 12, 2010, the UK government laid regulations before Parliament to bring into force civil monetary penalties of up to £500,000 ($800,000) for serious data breaches. These penalties are likely to take effect starting April 6, 2010. Significantly, the penalties will apply not only to data security breaches, but also to all serious breaches of the UK Data Protection Act 1998. Accordingly, collecting personal data for a sweepstakes contest then deliberately, and without consent, disclosing the data to a third party to populate a tracing database for commercial purposes might well be subject to a penalty.
On December 26, 2009, the Standing Committee of China’s National People’s Congress passed a landmark new law that contains provisions affecting personal data. The new law will go into effect on July 1, 2010.
The P.R.C. Tort Liability Law is a wide-ranging law that imposes tort liability for matters ranging from environmental damage to product liability to animal bites. Certain of its provisions relate, expressly or in a general sense, to personal information. These provisions can cause data users to incur liability to data subjects for the mishandling of personal information.
On January 8, 2010, the Swiss Federal Administrative Court (“Bundesverwaltungsgericht”) published a decision that declared the transfer of banking data to U.S. law enforcement authorities by the Swiss bank UBS to be illegal. In late 2009, UBS transferred the data of over 300 customers suspected of evading U.S. taxes to the U.S. Department of Justice and Internal Revenue Service following an order issued by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (“Finma”) pursuant to an agreement Finma reached with the U.S. authorities.
In December 2009, the German data protection authorities (“DPAs”) for the private sector published a resolution on data protection compliance for website audience measurement. The resolution was adopted at the Düsseldorfer Kreis meeting on November 26-27, 2009.
Many website operators analyze users’ surfing behavior for advertising and market research purposes, or to adapt their websites to suit consumer preferences. To create user profiles, website operators often use software or other services that are offered by third party service providers (sometimes free of charge).
On January 5, 2010, the Article 29 Working Party published an opinion dated December 1, 2009, finding that Israeli data protection law largely provides an "adequate level of data protection" under the European Union Data Protection Directive 95/46. The European Commission will now take this opinion into account when determining whether to issue an "adequacy decision" for Israel in the coming months. Such a decision would provide that data transfers to Israel from the EU are adequately protected for purposes of compliance with the Directive ...
On December 1, 2009, the Article 29 Working Party adopted a contribution (the “Contribution”) to the Consultation of the European Commission on the legal framework for the fundamental right to the protection of personal data (the “Consultation”). The Consultation was launched on July 9, 2009, to explore the challenges to personal data protection presented by new technologies and globalization. The Consultation was also motivated by the recent adoption by the EU of the Lisbon Treaty, which will necessitate a reworking of structure of the EU legal framework for data protection. The Contribution’s thoughtful examination of several important data protection issues makes it one of the most significant documents that the Working Party has issued in recent years.
On November 3, 2009, the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf (OLG Düsseldorf, Az. I-20 U 137/09) ruled on the duty to verify consent for email marketing with respect to purchased email addresses. According to the Court, a company that purchases email addresses for marketing purposes must verify customer consent itself – the company cannot rely on a data broker’s statement that it obtained the necessary consents.
This decision came in an interim injunction proceeding to cease unsolicited email marketing. The Court ruled in favor of the claimant, finding that the company ...
On November 30, the Council of the European Union agreed to allow U.S. anti-terrorism authorities access to financial data of individuals located in the EU under certain circumstances. Under the agreement, U.S. authorities will continue to have access to data collected by Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication ("SWIFT") after a SWIFT database located in Switzerland becomes active later this year (the data had previously been processed in a database located in the U.S.). The agreement contains restrictions on access to the data that have been negotiated ...
Commissioner Viviane Reding has been chosen as Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights, and Citizenship in the new European Commission that is set to take office in early 2010 (assuming approval by the European Parliament). Ms. Reding's responsibilities will thus include data protection, including the Commission's ongoing review of the EU framework for data protection. She is currently EU Commissioner for Information Society & Media, where she oversaw review of the e-Privacy Directive and the EU legislative framework for telecommunications. Commission President ...
On November 12, 2009, the Federation of German Consumer Organisations (Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband e.V., “vzbv”), a non-governmental organization acting as an umbrella for 41 German consumer associations announced that the social networks Xing, MySpace, Facebook, Lokalisten, Wer-kennt-Wen and StudiVZ signed undertakings that they would discontinue use of certain terms and conditions and data protection provisions. The vzbv sent warning notices to the six leading social network providers regarding a number of clauses.
The main criticism from vzbv referred to ...
On November 24, 2009, the European Parliament formally approved the European Union's telecoms reform package. This reform proposed by the European Commission in November 2007 consists of various different EU Directives that set-up the legal framework applicable to the electronic communications sector (telecoms) and includes a new e-Privacy Directive.
New provisions of the e-Privacy Directive will strengthen the protection of privacy and personal data in the electronic communication sector and includes the following:
- mandatory notification for personal data breaches ...
On October 29, 2009, the European Commission (the “Commission”) proceeded to the second phase of infringement proceedings against the UK relating to the UK’s implementation of EU e-privacy and personal data protection laws. EU Member States must ensure the confidentiality of communications by prohibiting interception and surveillance without user's consent. The Commission maintains that the UK has failed to fully implement these requirements into its national laws and has identified three specific flaws in the existing UK laws governing the confidentiality of electronic communications:
- The UK does not have an independent national authority responsible for (i) supervising the interception of communications and (ii) complaints about unlawful interception of electronic communications, despite the requirement to this effect contained within EU laws and imposed on Member States;
On November 6, 2009, the French Senate proposed a new draft law to reinforce the right to privacy in the digital age (“Proposition de loi visant à garantir le droit à la vie privée à l’heure du numérique”) (the “Draft Law”). Following a Report on the same topic issued last spring, the Senate made concrete proposals with this Draft Law to amend the Data Protection Act.
In a closed session on November 5, 2009, the 31st International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners adopted the International Standards on the Protection of Personal Data and Privacy (the “Standards”). Although the document is advisory in nature and is not legally binding, it offers guidance to States that have not yet adopted comprehensive data protection laws. The Spanish Data Protection Agency, which acted as the secretariat for drafting the Standards, held two meetings that included more than fifty privacy enforcement agencies, privacy advocates and businesses before hosting a final drafting session that was reserved for recognized data protection authorities.
Every year since 2005, the United States, the European Commission and the Article 29 Working Party on Data Protection meet to review the latest developments in the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework, as well as changes in privacy compliance, information security and data protection. This year’s International Conference on Cross Border Data Flows, Data Protection and Privacy occurs November 16 - 18 and features leading experts who will examine these issues and others, as well as changes made to the approval process for binding corporate rules. Join our privacy professionals, Martin ...
On November 9, 2009, the UK's Ministry of Justice launched a consultation seeking the public's views on the proposed implementation of a maximum penalty of £500,000 (approximately US$837,950) for serious breaches of the UK Data Protection Act 1998 (the "DPA"). This Consultation follows the Information Commissioners' publication of draft guidance this week, explaining the circumstances in which a fine will be imposed. The launch of the Consultation puts to rest recent speculation as to the level of fine likely to be imposed for a deliberate or serious breach of the DPA, including for data security breaches.
The DPA imposes obligations on data controllers that process personal data to: (i) process personal data fairly and lawfully; (ii) obtain personal data only for specified lawful purposes, and not further process personal data in any manner incompatible with such purposes; (iii) ensure that personal data are adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are processed; (iv) ensure that personal data are accurate and, where necessary, kept up-to-date; (v) keep personal data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which they are collected; (vi) process personal data in accordance with individuals' rights; (vii) implement appropriate technical and organizational measures against unauthorized or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data; and (viii) not transfer personal data to a jurisdiction outside the European Economic Area unless that jurisdiction affords adequate protection levels for individuals' rights and freedoms in relation to the processing of personal data.
In 1980, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) first published privacy guidelines that included an accountability principle. Since that time, little work has been done to define accountability or to describe what it means for organizations to be accountable for the responsible use and protection of data. In an effort to fill that gap, The Centre for Information Policy Leadership has authored “Data Protection Accountability: The Essential Elements” which articulates the conditions organizations would have to meet to be accountable.
Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, and Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, the Spanish Minister of the Interior, spoke in contrasting tones today of the difficulties of finding the right balance between security and privacy. The theme "Striving for a Balance Between Security and Privacy" was debated during the first plenary session of the 31st International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in Madrid.
On November 4, join our privacy professionals at the 31st International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in Madrid, Spain. Participate in various presentations on ways to manage the most challenging data protection issues in today’s global environment. In addition, the International Association of Privacy Professionals (“IAPP”) will host a Data Protection and Privacy Workshop in conjunction with the conference.
On Friday, October 23, 2009, the German Railways Operator Deutsche Bahn AG announced that they would pay a fine of over €1.1 million that was imposed on October 16, 2009 by the Berlin data protection authority. This fine is the highest ever imposed by a German data protection authority. The imposition of this fine follows a major data protection scandal that reportedly broke out within the company. From 2002 to 2005, Deutsche Bahn had screened a large quantity of employee data and compared it to supplier data in an effort to combat corruption, but without specific suspicions related to ...
Although China has yet to enact a national data protection law, certain provincial-level rules implementing national consumer protection laws impact the collection and use of personal data. These provincial regulations may warrant specific attention by entities doing business in the relevant Chinese provinces. The impact of each of these will often be limited, both because they affect only enterprises doing business in the respective provinces and because the actual requirements of each of these regulations are typically modest. Also, the potential penalties for violation ...
Hunton & Williams is pleased to announce that Richard Thomas CBE, the former UK Information Commissioner, has joined the firm as Global Strategy Adviser. Richard Thomas was the UK’s Information Commissioner from November 2002 until his retirement at the end of June 2009. He was appointed by HM The Queen and held independent status, reporting directly to Parliament, on a range of regulatory, promotional and advisory responsibilities under the Data Protection Act 1998, the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and related laws. He also served as a member of the European Union’s Article ...
On October 14, 2009, the Australian government released a report entitled “Enhancing National Privacy Protection” that contains proposed reforms to Australia’s privacy laws, including the Privacy Act 1988 (“Privacy Act”). In announcing the report, Cabinet Secretary and Special Minister of State Joe Ludwig stated that the reforms aim to “provide for one set of streamlined Privacy Principles for Australian Government agencies and private sector organizations which will provide greater clarity and cut red tape.” The report comprises the first stage of a two-stage response to a report issued by the Australian Law Reform Commission (“ALRC”) in 2008 that contained 295 recommendations to revise Australian privacy laws and practices.
The new UK Information Commissioner, Christopher Graham, shared his vision for data protection regulation at his first conference speech in London yesterday. As the keynote speaker at the 8th Annual Privacy and Data Protection Conference, chaired by Hunton & Williams partner, Bridget Treacy, Christopher Graham positioned himself as a fair, but tough, regulator who will not be afraid to use his strengthened enforcement powers.
On October 6, 2009, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced proposed settlement agreements with six companies over charges that they falsely claimed membership in the U.S. Department of Commerce Safe Harbor program. In six separate complaints, the FTC alleged that ExpatEdge Partners LLC, Onyx Graphics, Inc., Directors Desk LLC, Collectify LLC, and Progressive Gaitways LLC deceived consumers by representing that they maintained current certifications to the Safe Harbor program when such certifications had previously lapsed. The terms of the proposed settlement agreements prohibit the companies from misrepresenting their membership in any privacy, security or other compliance program. The six enforcement actions are significant as they mark a considerable uptick in the FTC’s enforcement related to the Safe Harbor program. The FTC recently brought its first enforcement action relevant to the program, which is detailed in our post titled FTC's First Safe Harbor Enforcement Action.
On October 2, the Council of Europe's Consultative Committee of the Convention 108 on Data Protection ("T-PD") for the first time made publicly available its "Draft Recommendation on the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data in the Framework of Profiling." When it is finalized, the Draft Recommendation will be one of the first documents dealing with online profiling in the private sector issued by an international organization. The International Chamber of Commerce ("ICC"), which has observer status in the T-PD, has been working to obtain ...
On September 23, 2009, the Information Commissioner's Office (the "ICO"), the UK's data protection regulator, issued a press release announcing the approval of the Hyatt Hotels Corporation's binding corporate rules ("BCR") under the new mutual recognition procedure. Hyatt is the first UK applicant to receive approval under the mutual recognition procedure.
Mutual recognition was devised to speed up the process of BCR approval by EU Data Protection Authorities ("DPAs"). Under "mutual recognition," one EU Member State's DPA acts as the lead authority on a company's BCR application. Once approved by the lead authority, the other participating members of the procedure automatically approve the BCR application.
The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) has secured a temporary restraining order against a company that allegedly falsely claimed to have self-certified to the EU/U.S. Safe Harbor Program. One count of the FTC's complaint claims that the company (named Balls of Kryptonite, LLC) misled consumers by inaccurately representing that it had self-certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that it was Safe Harbor compliant. While the FTC has not alleged a substantive violation of the Safe Harbor, this case is significant for two reasons. First, it marks the first time the FTC has brought an enforcement action with respect to the Safe Harbor Program. The court order prohibits the defendants from misrepresenting the extent to which they “are members of, adhere to, comply with, are certified by, are endorsed by, or otherwise participate in any privacy, security, or any other compliance program sponsored by any government or third party.” Second, the FTC acted in concert with the UK Office of Fair Trading after consumers in the UK registered complaints with the FTC using a website established by 25 international consumer protection agencies to facilitate global consumer protection efforts. This is the first time the FTC has used the U.S. SAFE WEB Act of 2006 to enforce consumer protection regulations against a U.S. company operating exclusively outside the United States.
On August 19, 2009, the state DPA in North Rhine-Westphalia fined a subsidiary of the discount supermarket chain Lidl €36,000 (approximately $51,000) for illegally keeping records of employee health data.
The case was triggered by a report in the German news magazine Der Spiegel. A Bochum resident found papers and forms containing Lidl employees' health data in a trash bin at a car wash and forwarded them to the magazine. Subsequent investigations revealed that at least four Lidl branches in North Rhine-Westphalia were using a form to record data about employees' medical ...
On August 19, 2009, the Official Journal published guidelines issued by the French Data Protection Authority (Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (the “CNIL”)) regarding transfers of personal data carried out in the context of U.S. discovery proceedings (the “Guidelines”). The CNIL’s publication comes in the wake of a recent increase in the volume of requests made to French-based companies involved in U.S. litigation to disclose information or documents for the purposes of civil pre-trial discovery.
Privacy laws in China are still evolving, and at this time there is no coordinated legal framework addressing data protection. There are, however, a number of Chinese laws that are applicable to the processing and protection of personal information. Navigating the indirect, piecemeal Chinese approach to regulation in this area may prove challenging for foreign counsel accustomed to practicing in jurisdictions with explicit privacy protection legislation and data security laws. To shed some light on these issues, we have prepared an overview of various Chinese laws that bear on ...
On July 28, 2009, the Data Privacy Subgroup meeting at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum in Singapore reported a number of privacy-related legislative developments on the horizon. Among the highlights:
- On July 15, the Malaysian Cabinet approved privacy legislation to be enacted by the Parliament in early 2010
- Vietnam is set to enact consumer protection legislation including privacy provisions in 2010
- Hong Kong's Privacy Commissioner will soon begin a review process to evaluate how privacy law has kept up with changing technology
- The Philippines is set to enact ...
On July 3, 2009, the German Federal Parliament passed comprehensive amendments to the Federal Data Protection Act (the "Federal Act"). These amendments also passed the Federal Council on July 10, 2009, and the revised law will enter into force on September 1, 2009. The new amendments cover a range of data protection-related issues, including marketing, security breach notification, service provider contracts and protections for employee data. They also include new powers for data protection authorities and provide for increased fines for violations of data protection law ...
The UK Financial Services Authority (FSA) has announced today fines for three HSBC entities totaling £3 million for failing to have adequate systems and controls in place to protect their customers' confidential data. HSBC Life UK Limited (HSBC Life) was fined £1,610,000, HSBC Actuaries and Consultants Limited (HSBC Actuaries) was fined £875,000 and HSBC Insurance Brokers Limited (HSBC Insurance Brokers) was fined £700,000.
The cost to register as a data controller in the United Kingdom is likely to increase significantly later this year, rising from £35 to £500 for companies with annual sales of at least £25.9 million and 250 or more employees.
The UK Information Commissioner has proposed a two-tiered fee structure as part of the Data Protection (Notification and Notification Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2009 (the “Regulations”). The Regulations are expected to come into force as of October 1, 2009.
The UK Information Commissioner is initiating a consultation to develop a code of practice that will help companies address online privacy issues. It is anticipated that the code will provide guidance on the following matters:
- Operating a privacy-friendly website
- Rights and protections for individuals
- Privacy choices and default settings
- Cyberspace and territoriality
On June 3, 2009, the French Senate’s Commission on Laws issued a report on the right to privacy in the digital age (‘La vie privée à l’heure des mémoires numériques’) (the “Report”). The issuance of the Report is perhaps the most important legislative initiative in France in the field of privacy and data protection since the implementation of the EU Data Protection Directive in 2004.
On April 27, 2009, the Article 29 Working Party issued a new working document (WP 155 rev.04) on frequently asked questions relating to binding corporate rules ("BCRs"). Two new FAQs were adopted: (1) FAQ 10 deals with the relationship between EEA data protection laws and BCRs; and (2) FAQ 11 relates to the reversal of the burden of proof in the context of BCRs. The Working Party reiterated that, although BCRs may offer an adequate level of protection to personal data being transferred within the same company, they do not exempt multinationals from complying with national data ...
On May 13, 2009, the French Data Protection Authority (“CNIL”) published its Annual Activity Report. The Report highlights increasing enforcement activity, noting a record number of investigations, formal notifications and fines. Having recently celebrated its thirtieth anniversary, the CNIL stated that it seeks to constantly evolve and meet the challenges of modern society by pursuing three key points: (i) diversifying its sources of financing; (ii) increasing the number of personnel; and (iii) including data protection and privacy rights in the French constitution in the near future.
On May 19 and 20 the European Commission held a conference which was perhaps the most important data protection event in Brussels since the Commission conference on evaluation of the EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC held in 2002. The conference was part of the Commission's current evaluation of the Directive, and was designed to explore both the current status of data protection in the EU and where it is headed in the coming years. Speakers included Jacques Barrot, the European Commissioner in charge of justice, freedom and security; Alex Türk, chairman of the CNIL (French Data Protection Authority) and the Article 29 Working Party; European Data Protection Supervisor Peter Hustinx; and representatives of European academia, business and non-governmental organizations.
On May 15, 2009, the German Federal Council adopted the "Act against unsolicited commercial phone calls and improvement of consumer protection." According to the Act, violations of the existing prohibition on unsolicited commercial phone calls can now be sanctioned with a fine up to € 50,000.
In addition, the Act clarifies that a commercial phone call is only lawful if the recipient has given his or her prior explicit consent to receive the call. The provision is intended to prevent the caller's reliance on consent that may have been given by the recipient in a totally different ...
As a consequence of the data protection scandals at Deutsche Telekom AG over the last few years, the company is committed to reviewing these incidents by publishing an annual data protection report. On April 28, 2009, the first data protection report for year-end 2008 was issued and is intended to show the public that Deutsche Telekom is focused on the transparency of its data protection practice. The first chapter of the report contains an overview of the crucial incidents relating to data protection issues in 2008. The following chapters present the operative focal points of the ...
In November, the 31st International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners will approve a resolution that will include an international standard for privacy protection called the “Joint Proposal for a Draft of International Standards on the Protection of Privacy with regard to the processing of Personal Data.” The standard will be submitted to the United Nations as the basis for a treaty. This is not the conference’s first attempt to reach consensus on an international standard, but it is the first to include robust processes that will begin to narrow the issues that divide nations on data protection law.
On May 12, 2009, the European Commission issued a long-awaited recommendation on the implementation of privacy and data protection principles in applications supported by radio-frequency identification (“RFID”). The recommendation follows a process initiated in 2006 when the European Commission launched a public consultation on RFID technologies. Following this public consultation and in order to protect consumers’ privacy and data protection, the European Commission decided to take further steps by preparing a recommendation to regulate the use of RFID.
The UK Information Commissioner's Office has published a review of the strengths and weaknesses of the EU Data Protection Directive, commissioned from RAND Europe.
The concept of such a review was highly radical when first proposed. It provoked the promise of a similar study from the European Commission and generated much debate as to whether, and if so when, the Directive itself might be reviewed. The conclusions of the RAND study are much less radical than anticipated but more likely, as a consequence, to stimulate constructive debate within Europe as to the future shape of data protection law. Whilst not endorsing the RAND study, in April 2009, the European Privacy and Data Protection Commissioners' Conference discussed the themes raised by RAND and issued a declaration committing to contribute to the ongoing debate concerning the future of data protection law, including better implementation and enforcement of the existing legal framework.
On May 6, 2009, the proposed amendments to the e-Privacy Directive received a second reading in the European Parliament. In addition to other measures, it will include a definition of “personal data breach” and will introduce a data breach notification requirement.
The review of the e-Privacy Directive forms part of a wider review of telecoms legislation. The objective of that review is to improve network security and integrity, to increase protection for user personal data and to improve measures to prevent spam and “cyber attacks.” The scope of the amended Directive will include the processing of personal data in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications services in public communications networks within the European Community, including public communications networks supporting data collection and identification devices.
In February 2009, the Ponemon Institute published the results of its inaugural study "Germany - 2008 Annual Study: Cost of a Data Breach." The study is the first such research study undertaken in Germany, using data from actual incidents to estimate the costs of dealing with data breaches by German companies. The study examined the experience of 18 German organizations that suffered a breach. These case studies reviewed ranged in size an incident involving less than 3,750 records to an incident involving more than 90,000 records. The breaches reviewed occurred across ten industry ...
On March 17, 2009, the Article 29 Working Party released Opinion 3/2009 on the Commission’s draft decision for standard contractual clauses (SCCs), which discusses proposed updates of the clauses allowing the transfer of personal data to sub-processors established in third-world countries, in light of increased global outsourcing practices. Opinion 3/2009 is available here, and further analysis on the Working Party’s Opinion is available here.
To read more and for more EU data protection updates, please click here.
Following numerous complaints about the use of behavioral advertising technology by internet service providers, the European Commission (the “Commission”) launched infringement proceedings against the United Kingdom for an alleged failure to keep people’s online details confidential. The EU Telecoms Commissioner, Viviane Reding, has called upon the UK to change its national laws to ensure the confidentiality of communications by prohibiting interception and surveillance without the user's consent. If the UK does not comply, the Commission can issue a final warning before taking the UK to the European Court of Justice.
Various authorities, both at a European and a national level, are currently addressing the issue of online behavioral advertising. On March 31, 2009, Meglena Kuneva, the European Commissioner for Consumer Affairs, gave a keynote address in Brussels in which she raised the issue of online behavioral advertising and addressed the need to enhance consumer protection related to the practice. While recognizing the numerous beneficial applications for consumers made possible by the Internet, Kuneva expressed her concern that the World Wide Web could become the “world wide west” and called for a better balance between the interests of businesses and consumers.
On March 17, the Article 29 Working Party released its Opinion 3/2009 (dated March 5) on standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data from data controllers in the EU to data processors outside the EU. The Opinion deals with proposed changes to the European Commission's decision 2002/16 containing standard clauses for controller to processor transfers. The Opinion discusses proposals to update these clauses to accommodate data transfers to sub-processors, in light of increased global outsourcing. Although not mentioned in the Opinion, the March 17 Opinion is based on the proposal made in October 2006 to the European Commission by three business groups (the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU) and the Federation of European Direct and Interactive Marketing (FEDMA)). The proposal of the three business groups would amend the existing clauses from 2002 to bring them into line with business realities.
On March 11, 2009, the operators of Germany's leading social networks, which include "schuelerVZ," "studiVZ," "lokalisten" and "wer-kennt-wen," signed a 17-page Code of Conduct by the Association for Voluntary Self-Regulation of Multimedia Service Providers (the “Code”) in order to protect children and young people. The Code of Conduct aims to improve data protection and consumer protection in social networks and, in particular, to protect young people against harassment. The Code requires that a privacy notice be displayed directly after the registration process and ...
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