Ryan Bates Media Coverage on Mt. Lemmon Fire Dist. V. Guido
Ryan Bates speaks to Bloomberg Law and the Society for Human Resource Management on the Supreme Court’s historic Mt. Lemmon decision which extends coverage of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act to all public-sector employees regardless of the size of their employer. Ryan notes that age-discrimination claims currently make up 22 percent of all Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) claims and expects that such litigation will increase as the workforce ages. He says that despite the tens of thousands of workers effected by Mt. Lemmon, “it shouldn’t prompt a massive rush to update policies or practices; rather, small state and local governments should simply be mindful that federal age claims can now be brought against them.”
Read Firefighters Score Supreme Court Win for Older Public Workers, Bloomberg Law, November 6, 2018. (Subscription)
Read Supreme Court Expands ADEA's Application, Society for Human Resource Management, November 7, 2018.
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