Hunton’s Cyber and Physical Security Task Force Helps Businesses Prepare for Ransomware and Cyber Attacks
From ransomware and cyber attacks to acts of sabotage and other physical threats, Hunton & Williams LLP’s cyber and physical security task force is experienced in helping businesses minimize the risks of security incidents of varying magnitudes. Our cyber and physical security task force was launched in advance of the recent ransomware attacks that hit over 150 countries beginning May 12, 2017. Lawyers from our task force and globally renowned cybersecurity legal team are seasoned in guiding companies through the slew of activities triggered by these and other cybersecurity incidents.
Hunton & Williams advises clients on all aspects of data protection. Working with lawyers from a number of practice areas, the cyber and physical security task force conducts internal investigations, engages with law enforcement and regulatory agencies, and ensures that companies comply with myriad global individual notification and government reporting obligations. The task force also prepares companies for litigation; manages public relations, employee communications and investor relations; and handles legislative inquiries, including preparing executives for hearings.
Our firm has assisted in more than 1,200 data breaches and cybersecurity incidents worldwide. Together, our lawyers devise legal solutions to help companies mitigate risks stemming from malicious ransomware attacks and other security incidents.
For more information on the recent ransomware attacks, please visit our Privacy and Information Security Law Blog and Insurance Recovery Blog.
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