Hunton & Williams LLP Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Mkono & Co. Advocates, East Africa's Largest Law Firm
New York — September 1, 2008 — Hunton & Williams LLP announces it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the largest law firm in East Africa, the Dar es Salaam-based Mkono & Co. Advocates. The two firms, which have for more than a decade collaborated as co-counsel on energy-related matters in Tanzania, will now work together to further develop their law practices involving energy matters and other infrastructure projects in East Africa; investments in Africa by investors, sovereign states, and multilateral finance institutions; investment-related disputes; and the flow of commerce between Africa and Asia and between Africa and the United States.
"Tanzania has been the source of a significant amount of business for us for about the last 20 years," said John J. Beardsworth, Jr., who heads Hunton & Williams' emerging markets practice. "Success in transactional and litigation matters in East Africa requires careful attention to the intersection between local and international law. Having a closer relationship with Mkono & Co., a highly respected East Africa firm, will provide a significant advantage to the clients of both firms."
Hunton & Williams and Mkono & Co. have both advised the Government of Tanzania and Tanzania's state-owned utility, TANESCO, on a variety of corporate, project and energy-related matters. The firms are currently jointly advising the Government of Tanzania and TANESCO on two disputes recently submitted to ICSID for arbitration, among several other matters.
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