Quoted, “Street Smarts, More governments turn to public-private deals to fund projects they couldn’t afford otherwise,” Daily Business Review

Time 1 Minute Read
July 30, 2008
Media Mention

"Street Smarts, More governments turn to public-private deals to fund projects they couldn’t afford otherwise," Daily Business Review, July 30, 2008.

Public-private partnerships, known as European- type financing, is increasingly common in Florida for big ticket and capital-intensive projects in infrastructure development.

Commenting on Spain's interest in partnerships in FDOT's projects to Daily Business Review, Fernando Alonso was quoted saying: "These Spanish construction companies...are today world leaders in infrastructure development. If you look at any competition throughout the country, participating in this group are four or five maybe six, Spanish companies that have grown to very good size to be able to compete on an international level."

Alonso is a partner in the Miami office of Hunton & Williams LLP and chair of the Latin America practice group. He has practiced in the corporate and securities, banking and international fields for more than 20 years.

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Lisa Franz
Director of Public Relations

Jeremy Heallen
Public Relations Senior Manager


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