Hunton Andrews Kurth Releases Class VI Program Permit Tracker
Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP has launched a Class VI Program Permit Tracker, the first centralized source for tracking nationwide applications for Class VI Underground Injection Control permits for carbon capture and storage projects (CCUS), as well as the status of state primacy applications for the Class VI program. This publicly-accessible, interactive database will serve as a one-stop location for general information about applications throughout the United States, which are increasing rapidly as commercial interest in CCUS continues to grow.
“As the energy transition accelerates, the demand for carbon capture utilization and storage projects as a solution for achieving global emission reduction targets and meeting corporate sustainability goals is expected to grow rapidly,” said Hunton Andrews Kurth partner Fred Eames. “The Class VI Program Permit Tracker is a centralized source for useful data on these projects and applications as they proliferate.”
The tracker will be updated regularly with data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and from states authorized to issue Class VI permits. Today, those states include North Dakota and Wyoming. Louisiana has applied for EPA approval for primacy to administer the Class VI program, and other states are expected to do so as the number of proposed carbon storage projects continues to grow.
The tracker incorporates a chart which offers a visualization of the volume of permit applications and identifies the applicant as well as publicly available information on each project’s proposed location and injection rate. Tracker data can be sorted by location, applicant and status. To date, data is available on three permitted projects and 16 pending applications.
“Corporate and government climate mitigation goals are increasingly going to rely on carbon capture use and sequestration projects as part of holistic strategies,” said Hunton Andrews Kurth partner Sam Brown. “The Class VI Program Permit Tracker offers our clients working on carbon capture use and sequestration projects and interested parties insight into the progress of these climate mitigation efforts.”
To view the tracker, click here.
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