Hunton Andrews Kurth Ranked Top Law Firm for US Asset-Backed Securities/Mortgage-Backed Securities Offerings for 2021
Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP’s structured finance practice posted impressive results in Asset-Backed Alert’s full-year 2021 league tables, ranking first among firms representing underwriters and second among firms representing issuers of asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities.
Asset-Backed Alert’s rankings reflect the top-performing legal advisors based on the volume of ABS and MBS offerings completed during 2021.
Hunton Andrews Kurth ranked first among the most active underwriters’ counsel for U.S. ABS and MBS securitizations in 2021. The firm advised on 144 deals with a total issuance value of almost $80 billion, an increase of more than $35 billion from the previous year.
The firm ranked second among firms representing issuers on U.S. ABS and MBS securitizations, maintaining its 2020 ranking. The firm advised issuers on 97 deals with a total issuance value of almost $44 billion, an increase of more than $23 billion from 2020.
Beginning with a 10th-place ranking in 2012, Hunton Andrews Kurth has gradually climbed the rankings in Asset-Backed Alert’s full-year league tables. By 2015, the firm held a top-five ranking, and established itself as a top-three presence in 2018.
The firm congratulates partners Brent Lewis, Eric Burner, Cecelia Horner, Serena Mentor and Brit Mohler Dufilho who lead the firm’s residential-mortgage backed securities (RMBS) practice; Partners John Dedyo, Ed Douma, Janet McCrae, Bob Hahn, Rudene Haynes, Andrew Blanchard and Cary Tolley for their work on non-RMBS securitizations; partners J.R. Smith and Jason Harbour for providing bankruptcy structuring support; and the invaluable support provided by numerous counsel and associates.
Hunton Andrews Kurth’s structured finance and securitization practice is at the vanguard of the development of securitization and structured finance techniques, having represented the issuer of the first REMIC program backed by the full faith and credit of the United States; the first auto loan synthetic securitization transaction; the first RMBS structure involving the issuance of floating-rate securities; the first securitization of re-performing FHA and VA loans; the first master trust servicer advance securitization structure in 2002; the groundbreaking first GSE/Agency credit risk transfer issuances in 2013; the first securitization of a proprietary reverse product in 2019; and most recently the development of the master trust recourse securitization structure for mortgage servicing rights, combining term ABS notes and revolving lines of credit.
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