Hunton Andrews Kurth Advises on $300 Million of SEC Registered Securities for National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation

Time 1 Minute Read
May 4, 2022

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP advised the agents in an offering by CFC of an aggregate principal amount of $300 million of medium term notes.

CFC is a member-owned cooperative association. Its principal purpose is to provide members with financing to supplement the loan programs of the Rural Utilities Service of the United States Department of Agriculture. CFC makes loans to its rural electric members so they can acquire, construct and operate electric distribution, generation, transmission systems and related facilities. CFC also provides its members with credit enhancements in the form of letters of credit and guarantees of debt obligations. As a member-owned cooperative, CFC has no publicly held equity securities outstanding. CFC funds its activities primarily through a combination of publicly and privately held debt securities and member investments.

The Hunton Andrews Kurth team included Michael F. Fitzpatrick, Adam R. O’Brian, Patrick C. Jamieson and Reuben H. Pearlman.

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