Hunton Andrews Kurth Advises Evergy Metro, Inc. on $79,480,000 Tax-Exempt Bond Offering
Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP advised Evergy Metro, Inc. (“Evergy Metro”) in connection with the offering of $79,480,000 principal amount of Environmental Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds (Evergy Metro, Inc. Project) Series 2023. The Bonds were issued by the City of Burlington, Kansas (the “Issuer”) to refund, in whole, the Issuer’s prior bonds which were used to finance a portion of the cost of the acquisition, construction, installation and equipping of Evergy Metro’s undivided interest in certain air and water pollution control and solid waste disposal facilities at the Wolf Creek Generating Station located in Coffey County near Burlington, Kansas.
Evergy Metro is an integrated, regulated electric utility that engages in the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity. As of December 31, 2022, Evergy Metro served approximately 576,700 customers located in western Missouri and eastern Kansas. Customers included approximately 510,000 residences, 64,800 commercial firms, and 1,900 industrials, municipalities and other electric utilities. Evergy Metro is a wholly owned direct subsidiary of Evergy, Inc.
The Hunton Andrews Kurth team included Peter K. O’Brien, Brendan P. Harney and Reuben H. Pearlman. Chris Kulp provided tax advice.
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