Hunton Andrews Kurth Advises DFC and IDB Invest on Investment in Latin American Micro-Mobility Platform Tembici
As announced at the United Nations 2023 Climate Change Conference (COP28), the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IDB Invest) co-invested a combined $23 million in preferred equity of micro-mobility platform Tembici to support the expansion of bicycle-sharing services in Latin America. The investments will help Tembici grow its active users in Brazil, Colombia, Chile, and Argentina, reduce automobile usage and annual CO2 emissions, and help protect both the health of residents and the climate globally.
Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP is proud to have advised DFC and IDB Invest in this endeavor as international counsel. We drew together talented lawyers from a variety of the Firm’s disciplines including M&A, agency finance, and venture capital. Mattos Filho acted as Brazil counsel for DFC and IDB Invest on this transaction.
International Counsel to DFC and IDB Invest:
Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP
Eric Markus, Partner
Amee Narayan, Partner
James Comyn, Partner
Lee Davis, Counsel
Alexander Abramenko, Associate
Rafia Ali, Associate
Brazil Counsel to DFC and IDB Invest:
Mattos Filho
Paula Vieira de Oliveira, Partner
Camilla Martes, Partner
Cindy Scofano Takahashi, Associate
Lívia Geraldi Lima, Associate
IDB Invest In-House Counsel:
Ana Maria Estrada Sierra, Legal Officer
Brazil Counsel to Tembici:
Bronstein Zilberberg Chueiri Potenza
Pedro Chueiri, Partner
Gabriel Junqueira, Associate
Anna Kaba, Associate
Tembici In-House Counsel:
Camila Couto, Head of Legal & Compliance
Marcela Palma, Corporate Legal Manager
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