Dallas Lawyers Join Microbusiness Legal Clinic for Low-Income Entrepreneurs
In a joint effort with Texas C-BAR and Business Community Lenders of Texas, Hunton & Williams Dallas-based lawyers will participate in the upcoming Microbusiness Legal Clinic, to be held in Dallas on Feb. 3 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. The Clinic promotes microenterprises as a foundation of community economic development, by providing free business legal counsel to low-income entrepreneurs who wish to start and sustain their businesses.
Hunton’s Dallas lawyers learned of the Clinic after associate Fawaz Bham contacted Texas C-BAR to offer support from the firm’s pro bono legal services program. According to Dallas partner Dan Garner, pro bono co-chair for the Texas offices, “Supporting this clinic fits Hunton & Williams’ mission of providing pro bono legal services to people in need who cannot afford the services of a lawyer – and is “right within the wheelhouse” of our lawyers, all of whom are business lawyers. It is inspirational to see the dedication and passion of the applicants and most fulfilling to play a part in helping them as they pursue growth and success for their business.”
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