Todd Haymore Coverage of Chesterfield Mega Site
The Richmond Times-Dispatch and Richmond BizSense note Secretary of Commerce and Trade under Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Todd Haymore’s remarks at community meetings on the Chesterfield mega site project, “Matoaca Mega Site.” At an April 11 meeting, Todd emphasized “only clean, low-emission and environmentally friendly users would be eligible for the site.” On April 17, Todd spoke with commissioners about how Virginia can do better to remain competitive when it comes to mega sites. If successful, the rezoning of the property to a mega site will help recruit advanced manufacturers to Virginia. The proposed approximately 1,700 acre site southwest of Chester is expected to bring 3,000 jobs with salaries averaging $70,000, according to the economic development authority. The impact for Chesterfield county will be between $5.5 million and $11 million per year in net revenue and $6 billion in total economic input. Todd also pointed out that the type of clean, low-emission, environmentally friendly advanced manufacturing that the Chesterfield EDA and Hunton AK will be recruiting likely will invest between $900 million to $1.8 billion, or more, if they choose to locate an operation and ancillary facilities at the potential mega site.
Read Chesterfield ‘megasite’ pitched, scrutinized at meetings, Richmond BizSense, April 12, 2018.
Read ‘We need to do better’: Chesterfield planning commissioners grill megasite applicants, Richmond Times-Dispatch, April 17, 2018.
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