Bloomberg Global Legal Advisor League Tables Rank Firm Highly for First Half of 2017
Hunton & Williams LLP has once again ranked highly in Bloomberg’s Global Legal Adviser League Tables for capital markets transactions. The newly released rankings cover publicly disclosed transactions occurring in the first half of 2017, with tables representing the top-performing legal advisors across a broad array of capital markets deal types, including loans, bonds and equity transactions, according to Bloomberg.
“Members of the power and energy capital markets, real estate capital markets, corporate finance and M&A, structured finance and securitization, and Latin America practices continued building on the previous year’s accomplishments,” said Thomas Hiner, co-head of the firm’s corporate team. “We’re looking to a strong year-end finish too.”
Hunton & Williams ranked among the top 20 firms across 15 capital markets categories, finishing within the top 10 in seven categories. Below is a list of the firm’s top 10 rankings:
Bloomberg Capital Markets Rankings, First Half of 2017
#5 legal adviser to Issuer in Global Bonds by Deal Count
#7 legal adviser to Issuer in Global Bonds by Volume
#7 legal adviser to Issuer in US Investment Grade Corporate Bonds by Volume
#8 legal adviser to Manager in US Investment Grade Corporate Bonds by Deal Count
#9 legal adviser to Issuer/Borrower in US Corporate Bonds by Volume
#9 legal adviser to Issuer in US Investment Grade Corporate Bonds by Deal Count
#10 legal adviser to Issuer/Borrower in US Corporate Bonds by Deal Count
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Lisa Franz
Director of Public Relations
Jeremy Heallen
Public Relations Senior Manager