2020 Legal 500 USA Guide Recognizes Hunton Andrews Kurth Among Top US Law Firms
Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP earned top rankings in the 2020 Legal 500 USA Guide. The guide recommended 39 practices and 98 attorneys. Six Hunton Andrews Kurth attorneys were listed in the Hall of Fame and three attorneys were listed as Leading Lawyers.
The following practices received Tier 1 recommendations:
- Cyber Law
- Cyber Law: Data Privacy and Data Protection
- Environment: Regulatory
- Structured Finance – Securitization
The firm was recognized as a leading practice in the areas of:
Dispute Resolution
- Product Liability, Mass Tort and Class Action: Defense – Toxic Tort
- Securities Litigation: Defense
- Capital Markets – Debt
- Capital Markets – Debt Offerings – Advice to Underwriters
- Capital Markets – Equity Offerings – Advice to Managers
- Capital Markets – High-Yield Debt Offerings – Advice to Underwriters
- Project Finance
- Project Finance – Advice to Sponsors
- Capital Markets – Equity
- Capital Markets – High-Yield Offerings
- Restructuring (including Bankruptcy): Corporate
Industry Focus
- Energy: Renewable/Alternative Power
- Environment: Litigation
- Energy Regulatory: Conventional Power
- Energy: Transactions: Oil and Gas
- Insurance: Advice to Policyholders
- Energy Litigation: Oil and Gas
- Energy Regulatory: Oil and Gas
- Energy: Transactions: Conventional Power
- Environment: Transactional
Intellectual Property
- Trademarks: Non-Contentious (including Prosecution, Portfolio Management and Licensing)
- Patents: Licensing
- Trademarks: Litigation
- Patent: Litigation (Full Coverage)
Labor and Employment
- Employee Benefits, Executive Compensation and Retirement Plans: Transactions
- Immigration
- Labor and Employment Disputes (Including Collective Actions): Defense
- Employee Benefits, Executive Compensation and Retirement Plans: Design
M&A/Corporate and Commercial
- M&A: Middle Market ($500m-999m)
Media, Technology and Telecoms
- Outsourcing
- FinTech
Real Estate
- Real Estate
- Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
- US Taxes: Non-Contentious
The following attorneys are listed in the Hall of Fame:
- William Brownell – Environment: Litigation
- George C. Howell, III – Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS)
- Michael J. Lennon – Patents: Licensing
- Lorelie S. Masters – Insurance: Advice to Policyholders
- James E. Rosini – Trademarks: Litigation and Trademarks: Non-Contentious (including Prosecution, Portfolio Management and Licensing)
- Lisa J. Sotto – Cyber Law (Including Data Privacy and Data Protection)
The following attorneys are listed as Leading Lawyers in their respective practices:
- Michael O’Leary – Energy: Transactions: Oil and Gas and M&A: Middle Market ($500m-999m)
- Randall S. Parks – Outsourcing
- Aaron P. Simpson – Cyber Law (Including Data Privacy and Data Protection)
98 attorneys are recommended in the 2020 Legal 500 USA Guide (*denotes Next Generation Lawyer):
Dispute Resolution: Product Liability, Mass Tort and Class Action: Defense - Toxic Tort
- Alexandra Cunningham
- Georgia L. Lucier
Dispute Resolution: Securities Litigation: Defense
- Bradley W. Foster
- Edward J. Fuhr
Finance: Capital Markets - Debt Offerings - Advice to Underwriters
- Courtney Cochran Butler
- David C. Wright
- Michael O’Leary
- Mayme B. Donohue
- Peter K. O’Brien
- Susan S. Failla
Finance: Capital Markets - Equity Offerings - Advice to Managers
- Courtney Cochran Butler
- David C. Wright
- Michael O’Leary
- Peter K. O’Brien
- Susan S. Failla
Finance: Capital Markets - High-Yield Offerings
- Courtney Cochran Butler
- David C. Wright
- Michael O’Leary
- Henry Havre
- Peter K. O’Brien
- Susan S. Failla
Finance: Project Finance - Advice to Sponsor
- Eric R. Pogue
- Jeffrey P. Schroeder
- Jo Anne Sirgado
- John R. R. Tormey
- Michael D. Klaus
- Michael J. Madden
Finance: Restructuring (including Bankruptcy): Corporate
- Timothy Davidson
- Tyler Brown
Finance: Structured Finance – Securitization
- Amy McDaniel Williams
- Brent A. Lewis
- Eric Burner
- Janet Sadler McCrae
- Mike Nedzbala
- Serena Mentor
- Steven H. Becker
- Thomas Y. Hiner
Industry Focus: Energy Litigation: Oil and Gas
- Alexis Gomez
- Charles H. Knauss
- Deidre G. Duncan
- Eric J. Murdock
- Shannon S. Broome
Industry Focus: Energy Regulatory: Conventional Power
- Deidre G. Duncan
- Kevin W. Jones
- Myles F. Reynolds
- Tab Urbantke
Industry Focus: Energy Regulatory: Oil and Gas
- Charles H. Knauss
- Deidre G. Duncan
- Eric J. Murdock
- Myles F. Reynolds
- Shannon S. Broome
- Shemin V. Proctor
Industry Focus: Energy: Renewable/Alternative
- David S. Lowman
- Eric R. Pogue
- Jeffrey P. Schroeder
Industry Focus: Energy: Transactions: Conventional Power
- Jeffrey P. Schroeder
Industry Focus: Energy: Transactions: Oil and Gas
- Michael O’Leary
- Hal V. Haltom, Jr.
- Harve Truskett
Industry Focus: Environment: Litigation
- Andrew J. Turner
- Charles H. Knauss
- Deidre G. Duncan
- Eric J. Murdock
- William Brownell
- Tom Boer
- Makram B. Jaber
- Shannon S. Broome
Industry Focus: Environment: Regulatory
- Andrew J. Turner
- Charles H. Knauss
- Deidre G. Duncan
- Eric J. Murdock
- Tom Boer*
- Makram B. Jaber
- Shannon S. Broome
Industry Focus: Environment: Transactional
- Deidre G. Duncan
- Eric J. Murdock
- Makram B. Jaber
Industry Focus: Insurance: Advice to Policyholders
- Lorelie S. Masters
- Walter J. Andrews
Intellectual Property: Patent: Litigation (Full Coverage)
- James E. Rosini
- John Flock
- John G. Maynard
- Michael A. Oakes
- Tyler Maddry
Intellectual Property: Patents: Licensing
- James E. Rosini
- John Flock
- John G. Maynard
- Michael A. Oakes
- Michael J. Lennon
- Tyler Maddry
Intellectual Property: Trademarks: Litigation
- Edward T. Colbert
- James E. Rosini
- John G. Maynard
- Jonathan D. Reichman
- Susan A. Smith
Intellectual Property: Trademarks: Non-Contentious (including Prosecution, Portfolio Management and Licensing)
- James E. Rosini
- John G. Maynard
- Jonathan D. Reichman
- Stephen Demm
- Susan A. Smith
Labor and Employment: Employee Benefits, Executive Compensation and Retirement Plans: Design
- David A. Mustone
- Jessica Agostino
- Scott Austin
Labor and Employment: Employee Benefits, Executive Compensation and Retirement Plans: Transactions
- Anthony J. Eppert
- Scott Austin
Labor and Employment: Immigration
- Adam J. Rosser
- Ian P. Band
- Suzan Kern
Labor and Employment: Labor and Employment Disputes (Including Collective Actions): Defense
- Amber Rogers
- Christopher Pardo
- Emily Burkhardt Vicente
- Juan Enjamio
- Julia Trankiem
- Kevin White
- Michele Beilke
- Roland Juarez
M&A/Corporate and Commercial: M&A: Middle Market ($500m-999m)
- Ashley Burns Muehlberger*
- Fernando C. Alonso
- Michael O'Leary
- Gary E. Thompson
- Steven Patterson
- Steven M. Haas
Media, Technology and Telecoms: Cyber Law (Including Data Privacy and Data Protection)
- Aaron P. Simpson
- Brittany M. Bacon*
- Lisa J. Sotto
- Paul M. Tiao
- Phyllis H. Marcus
Media, Technology and Telecoms: FinTech
- Erin Fonte
- Jarrett L. Hale
- Lisa J. Sotto
- Scott Kimpel
- Steven H. Becker
- Tara Elgie
Media, Technology and Telecoms: Outsourcing
- Andrew Geyer
- Cecilia Y. Oh
- Eric Link
- Jeffrey L. Harvey
- Jessica Yeshman
- Randall S. Parks
Real Estate: Real Estate
- Carl F. Schwartz
- Howard E. Schreiber
Real Estate: Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
- David C. Wright
- George C. Howell, III
Tax: US Taxes: Non-Contentious
- Cecelia Philipps Horner
- David Klass
- Robert J. McNamara
- Thomas W. Ford, Jr.
About The Legal 500
For 30 years, The Legal 500 has been analyzing the capabilities of law firms across the world, with a comprehensive research program revised and updated every year to bring the most up-to-date vision of the global legal market. The Legal 500 assesses the strengths of law firms in over 100 jurisdictions.
About Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP
With 1,000 lawyers in the United States, Asia, Europe and the Middle East, Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP serves clients across a broad range of complex transactional, litigation and regulatory matters. We are known for our strength in the energy, financial services, real estate, and retail and consumer products industries, as well as our considerable experience in more than 100 distinct areas of practice, including privacy and cybersecurity, intellectual property, environmental, and mergers and acquisitions. Our full-service litigation practice is one of the largest in the country, with particular depth in key litigation markets such as Texas, California, Florida and the Mid-Atlantic.
Related People
- Aaron P. Simpson
- Adam J. Rosser
- Alexandra B. Cunningham
- Alexis J. Gomez
- Amber M. Rogers
- Amy McDaniel Williams
- Andrew G. Geyer
- Andrew J. Turner
- Anthony J. Eppert
- Brent A. Lewis
- Brittany M. Bacon
- Cecelia Philipps Horner
- Cecilia Y. Oh
- Charles H. Knauss
- Christopher M. Pardo
- Courtney Cochran Butler
- David S. Lowman, Jr.
- Deidre G. Duncan
- Edward J. Fuhr
- Edward T. Colbert
- Emily Burkhardt Vicente
- Eric Burner
- Eric J. Murdock
- Eric R. Link
- Erin F. Fonté
- F. William Brownell
- Fernando C. Alonso
- G. Michael O’Leary
- Gary E. Thompson
- George C. Howell, III
- Georgia L. Lucier
- Hal V. Haltom, Jr.
- Henry Havre
- Howard E. Schreiber
- Ian P. Band
- J. Steven Patterson
- Janet Sadler McCrae
- Jarrett L. Hale
- Jeffrey L. Harvey
- Jeffrey P. Schroeder
- Jessica N. Agostinho
- Jessica G. Yeshman
- John Gary Maynard, III
- Jonathan D. Reichman
- Juan C. Enjamio
- Kevin W. Jones
- Kevin J. White
- Lisa J. Sotto
- Lorelie S. Masters
- Mayme Donohue
- Michael A. Oakes
- Mike Nedzbala
- Myles F. Reynolds
- Peter K. O’Brien
- Phyllis H. Marcus
- Randall S. Parks
- Robert J. McNamara
- Roland M. Juarez
- Scott H. Kimpel
- Serena M. Mentor
- Shannon S. Broome
- Shemin V. Proctor
- Stephen P. Demm
- Steven M. Haas
- Susan S. Failla
- Suzan Kern
- Tab R. Urbantke
- Tara L. Elgie
- Thomas W. Ford, Jr.
- Thomas Y. Hiner
- Timothy A. (Tad) Davidson II
- Tyler P. Brown
- Tyler Maddry
- Walter J. Andrews
Related Services
- Privacy and Cybersecurity
- Structured Finance and Securitization
- Oil, Gas and LNG
- Renewable Energy and Clean Power
- Regulatory
- Intellectual Property
- Trademark Proceedings
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Outsourcing
- Product Liability and Mass Tort Litigation
- Project Finance and Development
- Capital Markets and Securities
- Executive Compensation / Employee Benefits
- Tax
- Securities Litigation and SEC Enforcement
- Energy
- North America
- International Trade Commission Section 337 Litigation
- Advertising Compliance and Counseling
- Real Estate Capital Markets/REITs
Media Contact
Lisa Franz
Director of Public Relations
Jeremy Heallen
Public Relations Senior Manager