Introducing Hunton Andrews Kurth’s Labor and Employment Pandemic Resource Center
As employers, we know you are at the forefront of addressing issues related to COVID-19. The pandemic poses new legal challenges as you grapple with leaves of absence, workplace safety, workers’ compensation, immigration, wage payment, union, and other related issues.
To efficiently share our legal insights on COVID-19 with clients, we have created a Labor and Employment Pandemic Resource Center as part of our firm’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center. We are regularly generating content for the resource center, including recent blog posts on workers’ compensation coverage, the House coronavirus bill, required leave when schools are closed, unilateral changes to terms and conditions of employment in unionized workforces, requirements to reimburse employees for expenses associated with working from home, and limitations on the ability to reduce employee pay and hours of work. The resource center is being continually updated as this situation evolves, and we hope you will find it informative.
If we can help you address COVID-19 questions, please contact us.
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Media Contact
Lisa Franz
Director of Public Relations
Jeremy Heallen
Public Relations Senior Manager