A message to our clients – Coronavirus update
The coronavirus (COVID-19) is increasingly impacting our daily lives and we share your concern for the health and safety of those here at home and around the world affected by this global health emergency.
We assure you that Hunton Andrews Kurth has a business continuity plan in place that will allow us to continue fully serving our clients consistent with reasonable safety measures for firm personnel. Specifically, our systems, controls, and policies allow our attorneys and staff to remotely access the firm network to collaborate, communicate, and provide the prompt legal advice and client service you have come to expect consistent with our duty to safeguard client confidences and information.
To efficiently share with clients our legal insights on COVID-19, we have created a Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center. It brings together blog posts, client alerts and other information to assist you in assessing the legal implications and potential effects of COVID-19 on your businesses and personal affairs. It is being continually updated, and we trust you will find it informative.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need assistance in formulating your responses to the many issues which have arisen, and will continue to arise, out of this situation. The well-being of our clients and our people is our priority. Our goal is to support both through the challenging days to come.
Walfrido J. Martinez
Managing Partner
George C. Howell, III
Media Contact
Lisa Franz
Director of Public Relations
Jeremy Heallen
Public Relations Senior Manager