Hunton has one of the world’s largest legal practices involving environmental, natural resource and global climate change issues. We recognize that it is in the best interests of our law firm, our people, our clients and the communities in which we live and work to embrace a “Triple Bottom Line” of social, economic and environmental responsibility. To that end, our Firm Green Initiative, supported by a broad-based committee of lawyers and professional staff, is charged with continuously improving the firm’s environmental stewardship and energy efficiency, and reducing its environmental footprint.

An Environmental Sustainability Policy helps guide the firm’s efforts and articulates a vision of environmental performance. This policy is built on six pillars—understanding our environmental footprint, tracking and reporting our progress, implementing best practices, engaging our people to raise awareness and promote a culture of sustainability, collaborating with our clients, and celebrating our successes.

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We host a variety of internal programs designed to help reduce our environmental firm’s footprint. We recycle paper, aluminum, glass, plastic and cardboard; encourage employees to work electronically and print double-sided; and purchase paper supplies with varying levels of post-consumer and/or recycled content. When possible, we reduce energy by using automatic light switches and water taps and reuse and recycle firm equipment and furniture. We also encourage videoconferencing and conference calls to reduce travel.

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Keeping Sustainability “Top of Mind”

To keep sustainability “top of mind” at the firm, we produce a quarterly firm green email newsletter and post green tips on the firm’s intranet home page and firm green webpage. We host annual office-based Earth Day celebrations, during which our employees take part in green trivia contests; enjoy organic food; participate in recycling and clean-up projects; and learn about green practices through educational emails, internet posting and speakers. We also actively solicit new ideas from our lawyers and professional staff to reduce our footprint and recognize and reward those whose suggestions are subsequently implemented by the firm.

Hunton is a member of the Law Firm Sustainability Network, a nonprofit organization of law firms and legal departments committed to promoting the benefits of environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility within their firms and throughout the legal industry. We also support Businesses for the Bay — a membership association affiliated with The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay that encourages businesses within the Chesapeake Bay watershed to take voluntary and measurable actions to support protection and restoration of the Bay.

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